
I'm Thinking of Ending Things



Non classé

Experimental Social Dilemmas

Most of the papers on social dilemmas were presented at a conference on social dilemmas that was held at the University of Groningen in the spring of 1984. Social dilemmas are interpersonal situations that are characterized by a conflict between private and collective interest, i.e. in attempting to further their private interests, participants may end up worser off than if they had abandonned self-interest and worked for the good of the community. The chapters in this book describe efforts made by social psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists to advance our understanding of the psychological processes that influence people's behavior in social dilemmas. It is assumed that understanding of these processes can help our search for solutions.



Beaux arts

Italian Maiolica and Other Early Modern Ceramics in the Courtauld Gallery

This is the first catalogue of the collection of early modern ceramics in the Courtauld. The pieces in the collection showcase brilliantly the skill of potters and pottery painters working at the time of Raphael and Titian. Maiolica is one of the most revealing expressions of Renaissance art. Its extraordinary range of colours retain the vividness that they had when they left the potter's kiln. Italian potters absorbed techniques and shapes from the Islamic world and incorporated ornament and subject matter from the arts of ancient Rome. This new approach to pottery making, combined with the invention of printing, woodcut and engraving, resulted in an extraordinary type of painted pottery, praised by Vasari in his Lives of the Artists for 'surpassing the ancient with its brilliance of glaze and variety of painting'. The collection boasts a magnificent group of vessels made during the high Renaissance, the golden age of Italian maiolica. It includes precious and delicate Deruta lustreware with imagery deriving from Perugino and Raphael, as well as vessels painted in a narrative style of pottery painting known as istoriato. Highlights include vessels depicting episodes taken from the first printed Bibles of the Renaissance. Istoriato maiolica flourished particularly in the lands of the Dukes of Urbino, who promoted this craft by sending painted pottery to prestigious patrons across Europe. Emblems and devices painted on the pottery help us understand that they were meant to be used and enjoyed by the elites in Renaissance society, such as the Medici and other great Tuscan families. The catalogue will include two recent gifts to the Courtauld, a rare tile of the famous patroness of the arts Marchioness Isabella D'Este, and a refined dish painted with the story of Diana and Actaeon. All major Renaissance pottery centres are represented in the collection, including Siena, Faenza and Venice, as well as splendid examples of the mysterious pharmacy jars made at the foot of the mountain of Gran Sasso in the town of Castelli d'Abruzzo. These achievements of the art of pottery in the early modern period are completed by fine examples of Ottoman pottery, as well as examples of Valencian lustreware. Sani's introductory essay on the Victorian collector Thomas Gambier Parry will shed new light on the development of this fascinating collection, making links between Gambier Parry's artistic practice and his collecting and revealing new insights into his taste as a collector. Each detailed entry uncovers a wealth of new information on the provenance of the pieces.



Méthode de travail

Passez au design thinking. Penser, construire et mener vos premiers ateliers de cocréation, 2e édition

Nouvelle édition entièrement mise à jour et enrichie Démarche créative par excellence, le Design Thinking est aujourd'hui plébiscité par de nombreuses entreprises et fait partie intégrante des processus de changement ou de l'émergence de nouvelles idées. Pourtant, il n'est pas simple de se lancer et la méthode manque : comment faire concrètement ? mener un "atelier" ? adopter une posture de facilitateur ? créer les conditions d'une bonne intelligence collective ? Autant de questions auxquelles ce livre hyper pratique répondra. - 60 outils indispensables à une démarche de Design Thinking pour être rapidement opérationnel en atelier. - 4 démarches-type de Design Thinking prêtes à l'emploi pour vous aider à démarrer. - Des témoignages concrets, des conseils d'experts et des partages d'expériences de start-up ou de grands groupes du CAC 40 pour vous inspirer et vous guider. - Des trucs et astuces pour "faciliter" les groupes en atelier. - Des schémas de synthèse des grandes notions pour mieux saisir l'esprit du Design Thinking. www. passezaudesignthinking. com



Mouvements artistiques

Look Close, Think Far. Art at the Ackland

This richly illustrated volume introduces one of America's finest university art museums - one whose directors, curators, donors, and patrons have left a remarkable legacy, a museum collection that encourages us all to "look close, think far. " The selection of over 280 highlights is presented with brief commentaries and an essay that traces the growth of the Ackland Art Museum's outstanding collection. The Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is one of the United States' most distinguished public university art museums. Founded in 1958, it now houses over 20, 000 works of art, covering some 5, 000 years of cultures from around the globe. "Look Close, Think Far" is the tagline of the Ackland, informing everything from the dynamic and varied program of special exhibitions to ambitious interpretation, education, and outreach activities. It applies especially strongly to the museum's extensive permanent collection. Although an integral part of the oldest public university in the United States, the Ackland is a relatively young institution. Now approaching its sixty-fifth year, it has become the proud steward of over 20, 000 works of art from an impressively broad range of world cultures and time periods. The Museum is known for its special strengths in art of the European tradition, with very strong holdings in prints and drawings ; the arts of Asia, and especially China, Japan, and India ; a small but fine collection of classical art from Africa ; and recent and contemporary art. This publication showcases a cross-section though the diverse collection, with 283 works, giving an impression of the Ackland's permanent collection that is true to its character, representative of its breadth, and indicative of its quality. The essay gives special attention to the early stages and the less obvious, more idiosyncratic moments that have contributed to the Ackland's personality and individuality. The approach taken by the editor Peter Nisbet, deputy director for curatorial affairs at the Ackland, differs from most conventional volumes of museum collection highlights in several refreshing ways. Instead of separating works along the lines of curatorial departments, the arrangement emphasizes the unity of the collection by merging works from different cultures. These are presented in a largely chronological sequence, but one that surprises by starting with the present and extending back in time. Within this order, works of art are deliberately paired across individual page openings, to stimulate visual attention, reflective thinking, and sometimes maybe just a smile.




Le guide du design thinking. Activez la méthode. Avec 1 poster grand format "Canevas Lean"

Penser ET agir design pour imaginer des réponses nouvelles Le Guide du design thinking est un playbook, ludique et pratique, qui permet par exemple : - d'amener les salariés d'une équipe ou d'une entreprise à travailler avec agilité et à vivre avec créativité ; - de maîtriser la pensée design et savoir la partager avec vos équipes ; - de construire des prototypes rapides et les tester efficacement ; - de trouver des réponses business face à une nouvelle concurrence ou à une nouvelle donne technologique. Le Guide du design thinking est l'ouvrage indispensable pour permettre aux idées d'éclore : un besoin (client) clairement établi, une équipe interdisciplinaire, le bon état d'esprit et une marge de manoeuvre suffisante pour l'expérimentation et la créativité. Dans ce coffret à tirage limité, le Guide est accompagné d'un poster, à remplir seul ou en workshop, pour planifier et cadrer les ateliers de design thinking. Une fois rempli, ce poster (intitulé "canevas Lean"), va servir de document de référence à afficher au vu de tous pendant le déroulé de tout atelier de design thinking.



Mouvements artistiques

Hockney's Eye. The Art and Technology of Depiction

David Hockney is the best known and most widely admired painter in the world. This vibrant catalogue accompanies a major exhibition at the The Fitzwilliam Museum and the Heong Gallery in Cambridge, as well as the Teylers Museum in Haarlem, Netherlands. Throughout his long career, David Hockney has insistently explored diverse ways of depicting the visible world. He has scrutinised the methods of the old masters, and explored radical departures from their cherished assumptions The exhibition and accompanying book are the first to focus on this central theme in his art. "Western art" from the Renaissance until at least the late 19th century has been dominated by the depiction of nature. Was this to be accomplished by direct looking (called "eyeballing" by Hockney) or with the assistance of optical theory and devices, such as cameras ? Hockney has experimented with the full range of existing strategies, overtly using perspective in some of his classic pictures and rigorously investigating optical aids for the imitation of nature, including the camera obscura and camera lucida. Yet he has come to reject the photograph as the definitive image of what we see. Along the way, he has identified a "camera culture'' in European painting from 1400, arguing very controversially that the supreme naturalism of painters like Jan van Eyck are the product of optical devices. His book, Secret Knowledge (2001), with its majestic panorama of paintings over the course of five centuries, claims that art historians have missed the central aspect of painters' practice. The "Hockney thesis" has been received more favourably outside the professional world of art history than in it. His own artistic practice has been in vigorous dialogue with his radical thesis, and he has progressively demonstrated new and dynamic ways of characterising the visual world without perspective and other conventional techniques. This quest results a series of joyous challenges to our ways of seeing in the major exhibition in Cambridge at the Fitzwilliam Museum and in the Heong Gallery (Downing College). It will look at the whole span of Hockney's varied career and at the nature of the optical devices he has tested. His vision will be explored in the setting of traditional masterpieces of naturalistic observation, and in the context of modern sciences and technologies of seeing. The first section of the book looks at his thrilling experiments in seeing and representing in broad historical and contemporary contexts. This is followed by discussions of pre-photographic devices for capturing the appearances of things by optical means. The third section includes essays on Hockney's experiments from the perspectives of neuroscience and computer vision. In short, it reveals in a new way the working of Hockney's unique eye.




Creative Paris. Urban interiors, inspiring innovators

So, you've visited the Eiffel Tower, Sacré-Coeur, and the Louvre. You sampled buttery croissants, 365 cheeses, and the bubbliest of champagnes. Think you've seen it all ? Well ... not quite. You brushed right past the real Paris. The one that will make your heart skip a beat. The one hidden behind Haussmannian façades and tucked beneath zinc rooftopsinside, where true Parisians live, work, entertain, dream, and create. For the past decade, French online phenomenon My Little Paris has divulged the city's best kept secrets in fashion, food, housewares, and lifestyle to their dedicated followers. Now, this creative team of dynamic entrepreneurs takes us inside their homes and workplaces, sharing Paris's freshest interior inspiration. More than thirty spaceseach brimming with Parisian chicreveal their singular style and are replete with ideas for sparking creativity. In a relaxed apartment on the edge of the Canal Saint Martin, an aquamarine wall complements a matching retro fridge and coffee mugs, all in the same hue. Bird cages, vinyl records, and colorful kimonos coexist harmoniously with vintage photographs, vibrant African wax cushions, and contemporary art. In an 11th arrondissement apartment, a pair of silver Margiela designer boots, plush orange bomber jacket, and hot pink visor pepper the furniture, in a riot of fashion showroom style. An old carousel factory in Montmartre houses the My Little Paris office, with a dream room, green wall, and rooftop terrace-with-a-view. Each location offers a place to recharge your batteries, slip into airplane mode, and kick-start ideas. Step inside the My Little Paris universe, where creativity is a watchword and visionary thinking is a daily event.



Anglais apprentissage

A multitude of Sins. Richard Ford

A sequel to Rock Springs and Women with Men, the collection of short stories entitled A Multitude of Sins was published in 2001 and immediately achieved worldwide recognition. If this series of ten short stories seems to feature adultery, it would be a major mistake to believe that the stories can be reduced to what is actually a side issue or a pretext to something else, sometimes of much greater importance. As often with great writers, Richard Ford tackles several other topics along with the sin of unfaithfulness which is a base camp from which to go further up into the knowledge of human deficiency, lack and want. Pondering these sins, Richard Ford lays them all bare while often unveiling the issue of the story right from the beginning, instead of cautiously preserving it as a last chance literary trick to pull it off at the fast moment. Showing insight through observation, his writing is deceptive in as much as it seems natural and easygoing when it requires close analysis and several successive readings to yield up its literary and humane secrets. The comparison some critics have made to Chekhov is not overblown and Agregation students, certainly among the most perceptive readers in the world, should naturally enjoy both reading and studying A Multitude of Sins, pleasure and scholarship being complementary, not antagonistic. The exclusive interview of Richard Ford at the end of the book will certainly be appreciated by Agregation students, who will thus be able to finish off their knowledge of Ford's works.



Cuisine familiale

Je dévore les séries

Découvrez les recettes emblématiques de vos séries préférées et prolongez le plaisir du binge watching... autour d'un plateau télé ! Depuis les premières séries " mythiques " qui ont ouvert le bal (Friends, The Wire, Game of thrones, The Walking Dead, Sex and the city...) aux séries qui font le buzz sur les plateformes de streaming (The Crown, Orange is the new black, Arsène Lupin, Stranger things...), découvrez 50 recettes incontournables pour faire revivre vos séries préférées. Plongez dans l'assiette very british de la reine d'Angleterre, petit-déjeunez d'un steak saignant et d'un oeuf au plat avec Dexter, préparez un festin guerrier à la façon des Vikings, pensez votre repas comme une partie d'échec du Jeu de la dame... Choisissez votre programme, les séries télé passent à table !




Soldat inconnu Tome 4 : Un monde parfait

Il y a plusieurs années de cela, le docteur Moses Lwango subit un puissant traumatisme qui ne se réveilla qu'à son récent retour en Ouganda. Plongé au coeur de la violence des combats, le pacifiste convaincu se transforma en une machine de guerre impitoyable, semant la mort sur son passage. Depuis, plus Moses avance sur le sentier de la guerre, plus il prend conscience des liens entre la voix du guerrier qui guide chacun de ses massacres et la légende d'un Soldat Inconnu qui aurait existé il y a plusieurs décennies. Soldat Inconnu (Unknown Soldier en V O) est une immersion violente et réaliste au coeur d'un pays meurtri par la guerre, imaginée par Joshua Dysart (Swamp Thing, Neil Young's Greendale, BPRD), sur la base du personnage créé par Robert Kanigher et Joe Kubert dans les pages de Sgt Rock, et réalisée par Alberto Ponticelli (Frankenstein, Agent Of SHADE), accompagné ici de Rick Veitch (Swamp Thing).




Le potager de Joël

Ce livre photo n'est pas un énième guide ! De plus, Joël ne fais pas dans la mode bio, le potager créé par ses parents (Clément et Suzanne) dans les années 50, était bio avant même que l'expression existe ! Joël pratique un peu le paillage, sans pour autant être un adepte de la Sainte Permaculture. Tout juste, essaie-t'il, d'une année sur l'autre, de recréer un potager, pour la beauté, la saveur des légumes. Etre à la campagne et cultiver un jardin : une politesse par rapport au monde. Connecter son esprit en relation avec des choses simples : les saisons, les couleurs, les formes. Pour le plaisir des sens ! This photo book in not an umpteenth vegetable guide ! Moreover, Joel does not do in "bio" fashion, the garden created by his parents (Clément and Suzanne) in the 50s, was "bio" even before the expression exists ! He practices a little mulchlessness, without being a follower of the Holy Permaculture. Just, he tries, from one year to the other, to recreate a vegetable garden, for the beauty, the flavor of the vegetables. Being in the countryside and cultivating a vegetable garden : a politeness compared to the world. Connect his mind in relation to simple things : the seasons, the colors, the shapes. For the pleasure of the senses !




The Impact of Sociology of Law on Government Action

This report focuses upon the relationship between government action and research in the field of Sociology of Law. This topic is treated within a general theoretical framework as well as in respect to a number of specific areas of current legal policies. The book centres upon the function and conception of Sociology of Law in relation to government action. The positions presented in these proceedings range from a technocratic to a critical model. Moreover, due to their origin in different political camps, the contributions represent the current state of international research in this field.




Swamp Thing Tome 1 : De Sève et de Cendres

Le Dr Alec Holland était autrefois un monstre connu sous le surnom de "Créature du Marais", hantant le bayou et s'opposant à des forces surnaturelles. Mais aujourd'hui, Alec est redevenu un humain et tente de reprendre le cours de sa vie. Malheureusement pour lui, son passé ne va pas tarder à le rattraper...



Littérature française

Les normes internationales de travail ratifiées par le Cameroun. Préface du Pr Jean GATSI Postface du Dr Joseph AYANGMA AYANGMA

Théoriquement, la combinaison conformisée des normes juridiques de l'Organisation Internationale du Travail avec les dispositifs juridiques nationaux en matière de travail devrait situer le travailleur au centre du système de protection, étant entendu que sans travailleur il n'y a pas de production économique. Même si l'intelligence artificielle cherche inlassablement à remplacer le travailleur humain, par la robotique en vertu des articulations de la logique dite progressiste. Au Cameroun, le juge occupe une place névralgique dans la protection des travailleurs. En réalité, il lui revient concrètement la tâche de faire appliquer les normes internationales de travail de l'OIT. Dans cette perspective, son rôle consiste donc à assurer la sécurisation des travailleurs sans pour autant mettre en péril les intérêts des détenteurs du capital financier, ainsi que ceux des autres maillons directs et indirects des relations de travail. Quoiqu'il en soit, une application objective, optimale et impartiale des Conventions et autres textes de l'OIT par le juge camerounais peut transformer positivement le microcosme socio-économique camerounais.




La boîte à outils du Design Thinking. 67 outils clés en main + 4 vidéos d'approfondissement

Le Design Thinking, c'est l'ensemble des méthodes et outils qui visent face à un projet d'innovation, à appliquer la même démarche que celle qu'aurait un designer. C'est une approche de l'innovation qui fait travailler ensemble des personnes aux profils différents, les unes aux compétences analytiques comme les ingénieurs et les professionnels du marketing, les autres pourvus de compétences intuitives comme par exemple les créatifs. Cette démarche d'intelligence collective se concrétise en 5 étapes : immersion, analyse, idéation, prototypage, implémentation. Ce livre comprend les 67 outils indispensables du Design Thinking pour développer son esprit d'innovation et favoriser la co-conception de manière simple et facile. Chaque outil, clés en main, est traité de façon visuelle sur 2 ou 4 pages. 4 vidéos, des études de cas, des témoignages de professionnels et des auto-évaluations viennent compléter et approfondir certains outils. La lecture de l'ouvrage permettra d'acquérir les compétences des entreprises qui " pensent design " , soit l'empathie, la culture du prototype, la compréhension que le design ne s'applique pas qu'aux objets et une culture de la synthèse.




Claude Gillot. Satire in the Age of Reason

This scholarly publication presents the work of the designer, painter and illustrator Claude Gillot (1673-1722). The first volume on the artist in English, it accompanies a major exhibition at the Morgan Library & Museum that explores Gillot's inventive and highly original draftsmanship and places his work in the context of artistic and intellectual activity in Paris ca. 1700. The history of eighteenth-century French art under the ancien régime is dominated by great names. But the artistic scene in Paris at the dawn of the century was diverse and included artists who forged careers largely outside of the Royal Academy. Among them was Claude Gillot. Known primarily as a draftsman, Gillot specialized in witty scenes taken from the Italian commedia dell'arte plays performed at fairground theaters and vignettes of satyrs enacting rituals that expose human folly. The book will address Gillot's work as a designer, painter, and book illustrator, and advance a chronology for his career. Crafting a timeline for Gillot's life and work will clarify his relationship with his younger collaborators Antoine Watteau and Nicolas Lancret. Through an artistic biography and six chapters, each devoted to an aspect of his oeuvre, Gillot's role in developing quintessential rococo subjects is established. We follow Gillot from his start as the son of a decorative painter in the bishopric of Langres to his arrival in Paris in the 1690s, as the city and its secular entertainments flourished apart from the royal court at Versailles. Myriad opportunities awaited artists outside official channels, and Gillot built his career working in the theater and as a painter and designer long before seeking official academic status. His involvement with writers, playwrights, and printmakers helped define his sphere. Gillot's preference for theatrical subjects brought him critical attention, and also attracted talented assistants such as Watteau and Lancret. Gillot came to prominence around 1712 working at the Paris Opéra and as a printmaker and illustrator of books, lending his droll humor to satires. By 1720, Gillot was enlisted to design costumes for the last royal ballet, one of the final projects of his career. He died nine months after his most celebrated pupil, Watteau. The sale of his estate, which including his designs and many etched copper plates, provided material for printmakers and publishers and ensured Gillot's lasting fame among print connoisseurs. His oeuvre as a draftsman and painter, however, was largely forgotten until drawings and canvases began to emerge in the first half of the twentieth century.



Coloriages adultes

Livre de coloriage officiel

De Hawkins jusqu'au Monde à l'Envers, explore l'univers étrange et mystérieux de Stranger Things grâce à ce premier livre de coloriage o ciel Netflix. Retrouve tes personnages et tes lieux favoris, mais aussi les créatures les plus terrifiantes de la série. A travers ses 80 pages d'illustrations originales inédites, ce livre de coloriage est la parfaite façon de revivre les plus grands moments de Stranger Things.



Lecture 9-12 ans

On m’appelle enfant i

Je ne vous raconterais pas mon histoire passée, plutôt celle de ma vie maintenant, ici, au Cap, en commençant par aujourd'hui ? Mon histoire débute ainsi...




I dream of love Tome 4

Arina Tanemura spécialiste du shojo pour collégienne (Full Moon wo sagashite) arrive chez Tonkam avec son premier manga pour lycéenne. Une histoire d'amour basée sur le thème de la fuite du temps. à 16 ans Chikagé a choisi un avenir d'Idol incertain plutôt qu'une belle histoire d'amour. Aujourd'hui, à 31 ans, elle regrette sa vie tout juste passable. Tout bascule le jour où elle apprend le mariage de son premier amour. Pour l'aider, Tokita, camarade de classe qui l'aime en secret, lui remet "l'Idream" , un remède pour qu'elle retrouve à nouveau le physique de ses 15 ans. L'occasion de rattraper le temps perdu ?




I dream of love Tome 5

Arina Tanemura spécialiste du shôjo pour collégienne (Full Moon wo sagashite) arrive chez Delcourt/Tonnant avec son premier manga pour lycéenne. Une histoire d'amour basée sur le thème de la fuite du temps. à 16 ans Chikagé a choisi un avenir d'Idol incertain plutôt qu'une belle histoire d'amour. Aujourd'hui, à 31 ans, elle regrette sa vie tout juste passable. Tout bascule le jour où elle apprend le mariage de son premier amour. Pour l'aider, Tokita, camarade de classe qui l'aime en secret, lui remet "l'Idream" , un remède pour qu'elle retrouve à nouveau le physique de ses 15 ans. L'occasion de rattraper le temps perdu ?




I dream of love Tome 3

A 16 ans Chikagé a choisi un avenir d’Idol incertain plutôt qu’une belle histoire d’amour. Aujourd’hui, à 31 ans, elle regrette sa vie tout juste passable. Tout bascule le jour où elle apprend le mariage de son premier amour. Pour l’aider, Tokita, camarade de classe qui l’aime en secret, lui remet «l’Idream», un remède pour qu’elle retrouve à nouveau le physique de ses 15 ans. L’occasion de rattraper le temps perdu ?




I dream of love Tome 7

A 16 ans, Chikagé a choisi un avenir d'Idol incertain plutôt qu'une belle histoire. Aujourd'hui, à 31 ans, elle regrette sa vie juste passable. Tout bascule le jour où elle apprend le mariage de ce premier amour. Pour l'aider, Tokita, camarade de classe qui l'aime en secret, lui remet "l'Idream" , un remède pour qu'elle retrouve à nouveau le physique de ses 15 ans.




I dream of love Tome 6

A 16 ans Chikagé a choisi un avenir d'Idol incertain plutôt qu'une belle histoire d'amour. Aujourd'hui, à 31 ans, elle regrette sa vie tout juste passable. Tout bascule le jour où elle apprend le mariage de son premier amour. Pour l'aider, Tokita, camarade de classe qui l'aime en secret, lui remet "l'Idream" , un remède pour qu'elle retrouve à nouveau le physique de ses 15 ans. L'occasion de rattraper le temps perdu ?



Non classé


In his early twenties Goethe wrote Proserpina for the Weimar court singer Corona Schröter to perform. His interest in presenting Weimar's first professional singer-in-residence in a favourable light was not the only reason why this monologue with music (now lost) by Seckendorff is important. Goethe's memories of his sister Cornelia, who had recently died in childbirth, were in fact the real catalyst : through this work Goethe could level accusations against his parents about Cornelia's marriage, of which he had not approved. Goethe used the melodramatic form to transform private and cultural issues for women of the time into public discourses and so to manipulate public opinion. His work reveals an astute understanding of musical melodrama and the important impact it had on the cultural dynamics of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Whatever the source of inspiration, it is clear that Goethe was very preoccupied with Proserpina. When he returned to this melodrama forty years later he collaborated closely with Carl Eberwein, the court, theatre, and church music director, who composed a new setting which accords with Goethe's clear understanding of musical declamation in 19th century melodrama. In the intensive collaboration which took place while the production was being prepared in January 1815, Goethe was already anticipating the idea of a Gesamtkunstwerk. He paid close attention to every aspect of the production, especially to its music and its staging. When discussing contemporary settings of the poet's works, scholars often lapse into regret that Goethe did not have someone of comparable rank at his side for musical collaborations. Yet Eberwein's willingness to go along with Goethe's wishes was an advantage here : the selfless striving of the young composer to satisfy the poet's intentions is everywhere apparent in the score and it is the nearest thing we have to a ‘composition by Goethe'. Despite critics' positive reception of the first performance on 4 February 1815, the work has never been published before. Musically and dramatically this unknown melodrama is a superb work for solo voice, choir, and orchestra, and deserves to be brought before the public today.



Littérature française

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba)

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba) This book is dedicated to the unique One who has assumed a form and name to lead the play of universal existence. He throbs in our loving heart ; He breathes in our living soul. He sings in our fervent spirit and he thinks in our purified mind. That infinite Ancient One from his supernal height, bends towards us to embrace us in his love, and to feed our soul with the nectar of his bliss. Blessed are they that have the mind to know him, the heart to feel him and the love to live in his consciousness ! He may have been born to human parents in Poona, studied in a college, played cricket, left home, have seen great souls, sat alone silent, spoken in gestures, written books - but that is not his history. Many live such a life ; many scholars write books ; many saints sit in contemplation ; many monks leave home for mountain resorts ; but they cannot be one like him. Millions of bulbs challenge in vain the darkness of night. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. We have seen monks, yogins and saints. Some live alone for peace. Some open Ashrams and collect donations to run them. Some comercialise their name and form. Some display miracles to surprise human minds ; some offer boons ; some predict the future ; some curse you when you do not offer them what they want. Some seek pleasure and treasure. But who seeks God and finds God in the self to awaken God-awareness in other men and women ? Who says "I am God and you are God too"? Who rises above the prattle of words, the rattle of weapons and battle of ideologies to the lofty peace of supersonic silence and pours his blessings from the dizzy height of the soul in tune with God ? Who is he that embraces all in the heart and awakens the soul which has none of the human creations of caste, religion, race, pedigree nor colour ? Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget




Hilma af Klint. The Five Notebook 1

In 1896, Hilma af Klint and four other like-minded women artists left the Edelweiss Society and founded the "Friday Group", also known as "The Five". They met every Friday for spiritual meetings, including prayers, studies of the New Testament, meditation and séances. The medium exercised automatic writing and mediumistic drawing. Eventually they established contact with spiritual beings whom they called "The High Ones". In 1896, the five women began taking meticulous notes of the mediumistic messages conveyed by the spirits. In time, Hilma af Klint felt she had been selected for more important messages. After ten years of esoteric training with "The Five", aged 43, Hilma af Klint accepted a major assignment, the execution of The Paintings for the Temple. This commission, which engaged the artist from 1906 to 1915, changed the course of her life. In 1908, Rudolf Steiner, leader of the German Theosophical Society, held several lectures in Stockholm. He also visited af Klint's studio and saw some of the early Paintings for the Temple. In 1913, Steiner founded the Anthroposophical Society, which af Klint joined in 1920 and remained a member for the rest of her life.




La gestion et le contrôle intelligents des performances et de la sécurité dans l'IoT

L'internet des objets (en anglais Internet of Things, loT), aujourd'hui omniprésent, a grandement contribué à l'accroissement du trafic des données sur Internet. Les technologies d'accès loT et les contraintes des objets peuvent causer des problèmes de performances et de sécurité. Cela démontre l'importance des défis liés à cet environnement comme le contrôle des communications radio et de l'accès au réseau, la gestion de la qualité de service et de la consommation énergétique ou l'implémentation de mécanismes de sécurité dédiés à l'IoT. En réponse à ces problématiques, cet ouvrage présente de nouvelles solutions pour la gestion et le contrôle des performances et de la sécurité dans l'IoT. L'originalité de ces propositions réside principalement dans l'utilisation de techniques intelligentes. Cette notion d'intelligence permet, entre autres, de supporter l'hétérogénéité des objets, leurs capacités limitées et la grande dynamique caractérisant l'IoT.




Internet des objets connectés. Cours, exercices et cas pratiques

L'Internet des objets connectés ou IoT (Internet of Things) décrit le réseau de terminaux physiques, les " objets " , qui intègrent des capteurs, des softwares et d'autres technologies en vue de se connecter à d'autres terminaux et systèmes sur Internet et d'échanger des données avec eux. Les étudiants de BUT et Licence Professionnelle en informatique, génie industriel et maintenance, réseaux et télécommunication, génie électronique et informatique industrielle, mesures physiques trouvreront dans ce manuel toutes les notions nécessaires pour aborder cette discipline transverse, qui fait appel à de nombreuses compétences et domaines de connaissances : - programmation, - électronique, - physique des capteurs, - technologies de recueil des données, - traitement statistique des données. Fondamentalement orienté vers la pratique, chaque chapitre est constitué de rappels de cours, d'exercices à résoudre et de cas pratiques d'application. Pour cela, de nombreux compléments en ligne seront disponibles sur dunod. com.



Non classé

Henry VIII in History, Historiography and Literature

If this anthology on the literary appreciation of the life and times of Henry VIII can show how history, historiography and the history of literature are woven together as threads in a tapestry, if this book can show how varied the sources are from which historical images are fed, especially those of significant historical figures, then it will have surely fulfilled its purpose.




Le Cycle de Providence, tome 4. Intégrale Lovecraft

Le Cycle de Providence et autres récits horrifiques rassemble l'ensemble des nouvelles se déroulant dans des lieux aussi emblématiques que Dunwich, Innsmouth, Kingsport ou Arkham, qui se situent dans cette étrange Nouvelle-Angleterre fantasmée par Lovecraft. Textes de Lovecraft contenus dans ce volume La Rue (The Street) Le Terrible Vieillard (The Terrible Old Man) De l'au-delà (From Beyond) L'Image dans la maison (The Picture in the House) Herbert West - Réanimateur (Herbert West - Reanimator) L'Innommable (The Unnamable) Le Festival (The Festival) La Maison abandonnée (The Shunned House) Le Modèle de Pickman (Pickman's Model) La Couleur tombée du ciel (The Colour out of Space) L'Abomination de Dunwich (The Dunwich Horror) Celui qui chuchotait dans les ténèbres (The Whisperer in Darkness) Le Cauchemar d'Innsmouth (The Shadow Over Innsmouth) La Maison de la sorcière (The Dreams in the Witch House) Le Monstre sur le seuil (The Thing on the Doorstep) Celui qui hantait les ténèbres (The Haunter of the Dark)
