
Pissaro. Edition en langue anglaise




En 2023, la 50e édition du Festival international de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême

Le Festival international de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême célèbre sa 50e édition en 2023. Un événement pour la manifestation annuelle, qui en profite pour mettre les bouchées doubles et célébrer la bande dessinée de tous les horizons, du 26 au 29 janvier 2023.



Axelle Demoulin et Nicolas Ancion : traducteurs à quatre mains

Avec plus d'une centaine de romans traduits de l'anglais et de l'espagnol, Axelle Demoulin et Nicolas Ancion forment un des tandems les plus productifs de la traduction en langue française. Bon nombre des titres qu'ils ont traduits en français ont figuré parmi les meilleurs vendeurs en littérature Young Adult, comme la trilogie À travers ma fenêtre, d'Ariana Godoy chez Hachette, ou la série Serpent & Dove de Shelby Mahurin, publiée par De Saxus. 



De Michel Glardon à Jean Richard : histoire des Éditions d'en bas

En raison de la crise sanitaire du Covid-19 et à la suite de la fermeture des librairies, sans oublier l’annulation des salons du livre, les Éditions d’en bas ont choisi la riposte. La maison, qui célèbre ses 45 ans, a souhaité partager son histoire, à travers des podcasts et des vidéos de leurs auteurs. Mais également faire découvrir des livres plus anciens à travers toutes ces années de publications.



Assises nationales de l'édition indépendante : se définir et agir

Dans la droite ligne de son objet, la Fédération organise, en collaboration avec l’Agence régionale du Livre Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, ses premières Assises nationales les jeudi 2 et vendredi 3 février 2023 à Aix-en-Provence. ActuaLitté, partenaire de l'événement, propose de retrouver dans ce dossier tous les articles, interviews et reportages en amont de la manifestation. Et durant ces deux journées, podcasts et témoignages seront diffusés en temps réel. 



Comics et super héros : Marvel, pilier historique de l'édition

Marvel : un nom qui incarne à lui seul le concept de super héros. Créée en 1939, la maison d’édition a connu plusieurs identités avant de devenir le groupe multimédia que l’on connaît aujourd’hui. D’abord Timely Comics, puis Atlas Comics, Marvel prend ce nom au début des années 1960, une décennie décisive dans l’histoire de la bande dessinée américaine…



Demain, le livre : regards d'étudiants sur l'industrie et l'édition

Dans le cadre du master Métiers du livre et de l’édition, que propose l’université Sorbonne Paris Nord, les étudiants de première année en apprentissage ont été sollicités. Charge à eux de parler, sous la forme d’un billet d’humeur,  ce qu’évoquait l’industrie du livre à leurs yeux. Visions d’avenir, visions passées, rencontre entre la formation et le réel… des témoignages étonnants. 



Beaux arts

Pissaro. Edition en langue anglaise

Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) was not only a central figure in the Impressionist movement, but a major influence on the development of modern art. He was the only artist to exhibit at ail eight of the Impressionist exhibitions between 1874 and 1886, and his letters are a fascinating and invaluable source of information on the theoretical aspects and practical implications of Impressionism. Pissarro's career touched that of an extraordinary number of his contemporaries, to whom he was often a teacher and always a friend. In his early years he worked with Monet; in the 1870s he painted in close friendship with Cézanne; he was a guide for Gauguin, whom he introduced to the Impressionist group; and in the 1880s bc flirted with Neo-Impressionism with Seurat. This marvellously illustrated book charts the evolution of his painting, and celebrates his compositional brilliance, technical skill and innovatory approach. Forty-eight full-page colour plates illustrate the extraordinary quality of Pissarro's work from ail periods, and these combined with Christopher Lloyd's illuminating text constitute a superb introduction to the artist. Christopher Lloyd is the Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures. His essay on Pissarro, first published in 1979, bas been revised and updated, with the addition of commentaries to each plate, written by Amanda Renshaw, and a wide selection of comparative illustrations.



Beaux arts

Rembrandt. Edition en langue anglaise

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-69) transcends any period or social milieu: he is one of the world's great masters and though his works reflect the confidence of newly independent Holland, his vision extends fat beyond these narrow confines. A deeply perceptive artist (his many self-portraits show his continued interest in the study of human nature), he sought to go beyond superficialities, to endow his biblical paintings, historical narratives, genre scenes and portraits with psychological depths hitherto unknown in Dutch painting. Impatient with conventionally stiffly posed group portraits, he produced such masterpieces as The Night Watch, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp and The Staal Meesters, while his studies of Saskia, his wife, and his mistress Hendrickje Stoffels reveal his deeply sensuous, compassionate nature. For this new, updated edition, Michael Kitson, Director of the Paul Mellon Centre in London, has revised his highly successful book in the light of the most recent scholarship on Rembrandt, making this the ideal survey of the career of a much-loved genius.



Beaux arts

Klee. Edition en langue anglaise

Few artists of this century have exercised so wide an influence as Paul Klee (1879-1940). He was one of the most inventive and prolific of the modern masters, working in a dozen different styles, each of which he made uniquely his own, so that a work from his brush is unmistakable in any style. The forty-eight full-page colour plates in this book illustrate the unparalleled way in which he combined unrivalled imaginative gifts with supreme technical and formal proficiency, from the playfulness of such early pictures as Red and White Domes to the more threatening, bitter satire of the later work. Accompanying the plates are extensive notes and an authoritative introduction, which discusses Klee's life and the development of his thought and achievement. Douglas Hall is the former Director of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh and an acknowledged expert on the art of Paul Klee. His essay on the artist, first published in 1977, bas here been revised, expanded and updated, to make this an invaluable introduction to an extraordinary painter.



Beaux arts

Magritte. Edition en langue anglaise

The paintings of the Belgian Surrealist René Magritte (1898-1967) have exerted an extraordinary fascination, particularly since the enormous increase in awareness and popularity of his work during the 1960s. Magritte shows us a world of silence and isolation in which familiar objects are altered or juxtaposed in 'impossible' combinations in order to create a sense of disorientation and the absurd. Many of his most memorable paintings date from his three prolific years 1927-30, when he lived near Paris and was in close touch with the writer André Breton and other French Surrealists. In his pre-war painting, stylistic concerns were of secondary importance to Magritte, and for the most part he concentrated on the relation between objects and words or between the image of an object and the object itself. He deliberately cultivated a cold, unemotive, 'style-less' style. This quality renders the violence and macabre sexuality of some of his works all the more disturbing. His own 'impressionist' and critics keenly responsive to the later work of other masters of parody and allusion such as Picabia and de Chirico.



Beaux arts

Gauguin. Edition en langue anglaise

Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) was one of the most formidable artists of the late nineteenth century, and one whose work was to have a profound influence on the development of art in the twentieth. He began as an Impressionist, but went on to develop a more two-dimensional, richly-coloured style in his constant search for a 'lost paradise' untouched by nineteenth-century civilization. Gauguin's romande and tragic life story is mirrored in the works in this outstanding anthology. Included are 48 full-page colour plates, not only of his best-known beautiful, atmospheric paintings of Tahiti in which Gauguin attempted to reconstruct the perfect life which he had failed to find in reality, but also of many powerful works which reflect the artist's contact with other early modern masters - Degas, Van Gogh, Cézanne. Sir Alan Bowness, who was Director of the Tate Gallery until 1988, is the author of the lively introductory essay which provides the background to the paintings, and art historian Lesley Stevenson has written an informative, clear commentary to accompany each colour plate.



Littérature française

Black Orpheus. Edition en langue anglaise

This text, one of the finest written by Jean-Paul Sartre, dates from 1948 and is the accomplishment of the understanding of poems whose aim was not merely literary. To a large degree, it inaugurated the still lively reflexion on Negritude. This text dealing with liberty wich at that time could only be written or spoken about, has lost none of its virtue in a world where many of the profound demands of the black voice have still to be met.


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