
This book is yours



Littérature française

This book is yours

Dans une maison où plusieurs personnes habitent et travaillent ensemble, la cuisine en devient rapidement le centre : l'espace de rencontres et d'échanges informels. C'était aussi le cas à l'Arc artist residency à Romainmôtier : la cuisine était le coeur de l'institution. Cette publication s'inspire de cette cuisine, de sa convivialité, du partage de repas et de savoir, et des expériences qui s'y sont déroulées. Elle couvre une période de quatre ans dans la vie de l'Arc, une institution du Pour-cent culturel Migros, de janvier 2015 à décembre 2018. Ce livre est un outil et une source d'inspiration pour repenser vos propres vies et pratiques. Les ingrédients en sont les connaissances et l'expérience de la communauté de l'Arc : ses collaborateur-trice-s, ses résident-e-s et ses invité-e-s.



Littérature française

Sri Krishna and His Gospel, Sri Krishna’s flute calls you to love

Sri Krishna and His Gospel We dedicate this Book to Sri Krishna the World teacher whose Gita is the World-Gospel. This was written during a long Yogic communion with the Lord Krishna, by his fervent devotee Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati who lives and loves the Gita. Saint Shuddhananda Bharati invoked Sri Krishna in his meditation and took inspiration from that Supreme Grace for every line of the Holy Book. Thus this is Sri Krishna's treatise on His Gita. This is a book for all. We have not put any picture of Krishna in the book for who can paint his universal beauty ? The Nature-universe is his Visvarupa. So dear readers, see him in Nature's beauty and contemplate upon each line of this book. This book teaches you how to live in God-consciousness. It is a real pleasure and a great privilege for me to present this treatise on Sri Krishna and His Gospel to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Sri Krishna and His Gospel to us. The first edition of this book is dated on 24th November 1943. Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget




This Book Kills

Elle a imaginé le crime parfait, quelqu'un l'a commis. La prochaine victime : c'est elle... Quand Hugh Henry Van Boren, l'un des élèves les plus populaires et les plus riches de la réputée Heybuckle School, est retrouvé mort, tout le monde s'interroge sur l'identité du coupable. Le lendemain, Jess Choudhary reçoit un message la remerciant d'avoir inspiré l'assassin. Découvrant alors que Hugh a été tué exactement de la même manière que le personnage de la nouvelle qu'elle a écrite, elle redoute que tout l'accuse. Le temps presse, et l'adolescente sait que si elle ne trouve pas la clé de ce mystère, elle connaîtra le même destin funeste que son camarade.



Beaux arts

Bourdichon's Boston Hours

This absorbing book explores the crown jewel of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum's collection of rare books and manuscripts : Jean Bourdichon's Boston Hours. As court artist to King François I of France, Bourdichon produced paintings, books and even parade floats for the sovereign and his entourage. This publication accompanies the museum's first ever exhibition dedicated to this spectacular illuminated manuscript. Painter to two kings, Jean Bourdichon remains today one of the most celebrated artists of the French Renaissance. By age twenty-four, he was already serving as "peintre du roy, " a title which Bourdichon held for the rest of his life. His illustrious career at the French royal court led to a wide range of commissions- from portraits to wall maps to stained glass-but he is remembered principally for astonishing illuminated manuscripts. The peerless Grandes Heures for Queen Anne of Brittany remains the touchstone of this group which includes some of the most lavishly painted books of hours ever produced. One of these masterpieces-Bourdichon's Boston Hours-in the collection of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum is the subject of this book. Bourdichon's only intact book of hours in the United States was acquired by Isabella Stewart Gardner in 1890 and became the crown jewel of her collection of rare books and manuscripts. Leading scholars Nicholas Herman and Anne-Marie Eze explore its history in depth, shedding new light on the book's patronage and provenance- from the shelves of a wealthy Catholic landowner in Lincolnshire to the shop of a Venetian art and antiques dealer. This book is the latest in the Gardner's Close Up series, each installment focusing on an individual, outstanding work of art in the collection. This publication is the first dedicated to this rare treasure, and precedes an exhibition opening in summer 2022.



Histoire de France

CRASH IN BAYEUX - The Last Flight of Sergeant Ferguson

Normandy, France, January 15, 1943. The weather is clear, the sun is shining. Two Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft fly over the Bayeux-Caen railroad. The target is a German freight train - and its locomotive. Aboard the first Spitfire, Sergeant Ferguson is aligning his gun sights on the target. It is 02 : 30 p. m. This will be his very last flight... HARASSING THE OCCUPYING FORCES TO PREPARE THE INVASION The RAF and RCAF had been flying hundreds of similar sorties over France for months, in order to weaken the German forces, particularly the Luftwaffe. The pilots of No. 401 Squadron were among those who took part in this patient work, made up of constant patrols and attacks. Among the 63 men mentioned in this book, 25 were killed in action between 1942 and 1944. A CRASH THAT AWOKE THE SPIRIT OF RESISTANCE Touched by William Ferguson's sacrifice, some French citizens decided to bury the young Canadian flier with dignity, honour and respect. The Germans took this as a provocation. A few weeks later, the Sipo-SD (the "Gestapo") arrested a dozen of them. They were sent to concentration camps - some of them later died in Büchenwald, Dachau and Mauthausen. Others did survive, including Paul Le Caër. He is the one who has supported the author and told him what happened. Today, he is signing the preface of this book. UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS AND TESTIMONIES Based on an in-depth analysis of unpublished documents, including the Fergusons' archives and No. 401 Squadron Operation Record Book, this work depicts the very last flight of the young Canadian pilot in detail. With a striking truthfulness, you will relive the squadron's daily life, the faith of the pilots, as well as the beginning of the sortie and "Bill" Ferguson's last minutes. FIVE YEARS OF RESEARCH AND EMOTION A young and talented historian involved in the field of remembrance in Normandy, François Oxéant has spent over five years fitting the pieces of the puzzle together. This book will help you discover all aspects of his fascinating investigation with a methodical and rigorous approach. He has met some of the last witnesses of the events and has been in touch with the pilot's family for a few years, making us share his emotion and admiration for Bill, who was barely younger than himself.



Critique littéraire

My Fight

February 1997, a native of Italy patient is repatriated emergency in the intensive care unit where Claie works. This is a family reunion is the first cause of his transfer. Letting themselves be overwhelmed by his feelings, Claie she will live a fairy tale ? ... You will discover more of this story by browsing through the pages of this book. Love, passion, delusion, betrayal ... So many emotions !



Documentaires jeunesse

Quentin Blake and the Demoiselles des Bords de Seine

Quentin Blake is one of the best-known illustrators of our time. He was Roald Dahl's regular illustrator, and their books have enjoyed world popularity with generations of children. Blake has collaborated with many other well-known authors and also created his own picture-books such as Clown and Zagazoo. Quentin Blake was born in England in 1932. For more than 20 years he taught in and then led the illustration department of the Royal College of Art. In 1999 he became the first Children's Laureate and in 2005 was appointed CBE for his services to children's literature. In France, where he spends a great deal of his time and where he has been published by Gallimard for the past 30 years, Quentin Blake has the same huge reputation as in Great Britain. His work has been exhibited there, and he has produced several books especially for French readers. In 2002 he was made a Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres. It was on account of this reputation that he was invited by the Petit Palais to select and present the exhibition Quentin Blake et les Demoiselles des Bords de Seine, and in the exhibition and this book he displays his enthusiasm for 19th century French art with a perceptiveness and liveliness which will speak to readers of all ages.



Beaux arts

SISLEY. Edition en anglais

Alfred Sisley is now recognized as one of the great landscape painters of the nineteenth century, and a leading figure in the Impressionist movement. He divided his time between France and England, and the 55 colour illustrations in this book include the celebrated snow scenes of the Paris suburbs, his views of the flooded Seine at Port-Marly and his paintings of the colourful regattas on the Thames which Kenneth Clark described as embodying 'the perfect moment of Impressionism'. Richard Shone has completely updated his essay, first published in 1979, and selected new colour plates and added extensive commentaries on the illustrations to make this book an ideal introduction to the work of Alfred Sisley. Richard Shone is Associate Editor of The Burlinglon Magazine. His publications include Bloomsbury Portraits (1976, revised 1993), Walter Sickert (1988) and Sisley (1992), all published by Phaidon.



Anglais apprentissage

Jefferson and Nature. An Interpretation

Jefferson and Nature is the first comprehensive study to take Jefferson completely at his word-his favorite word. Nature-the term and the many ideas associated with it-pervades Jefferson's life and writings. It sets hem apart from his colleagues in the American Enlightenment and provides the distinctive gateway to his thought and action. By no means consistent and at tunes apparently opportunistic in his use of the term, Jefferson nevertheless draws nearly every realm of life back to this essential word and idea. Charles Miller's book tells why this is so.




This teacher is mine ! Tome 7

Ce sera bientôt la saison de la fête de Gion. Seulement voilà, Monsieur Furuya s'agite nerveusement dans son coin sans inviter An ! Et alors qu'il se rend aux festivités avec ses amis de la fac, il y voit An en compagnie de Kimishima ! ? Pour le festival culturel, la classe décide d'organiser un stand de photos costumées ! Tandis que le lien unissant An et Monsieur Furuya se renforce, les relations entre Naruru et Jo évoluent elles aussi. Et enfin, une certaine personne décide de sortir le grand jeu !!




This teacher is mine ! Tome 6

An sort toujours en secret avec son professeur principal, Monsieur Furuya. Enfin, les voilà partis pour leur voyage de noce, ou plutôt un voyage scolaire ! Le petit groupe se préparant à rejoindre Okinawa se compose toujours des mêmes joyeux membres. En même temps, An remarque que Monsieur Furuya observe souvent Naruru. Elle lui en demande la raison et il répond que Naruru "ressemble à son ex petite amie"... Que comprendre de cela ! ? De plus, Kimishima, en apprenant ça, déclare une guerre ouverte au professeur !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 5

Tout va bien pour An qui passe en classe supérieure ! Et se réjouit de retrouver Furuya en professeur principal. Mais sa rencontre avec de nouveaux camarades laisse présager de sérieuses complication ! Sa relation avec son professeur semble avoir été découverte ?? Elle demande à Kimishiman de l'aider à cacher son secret en faisant semblant de sortir avec elle, mais cette situation semble raviver les sentiments de ce dernier... Une adolescence au parfum d'interdit ! Une belle et douce comédie romantique, au meilleur de sa forme !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 9

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 4

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !



Littérature française

This is not a love song

" Le temps s'étire et se contracte. Deux journées en une. Deux, cent, mille. Mon corps se dédouble. Franco-Anglais. Entrepreneur SDF. Fidèle adultère. Sauveur coupable. Frère et faux. Faux frère. Ma main voudrait caresser - mais elle s'agrippe, ripe, s'accroche - les doigts sont des griffes, elle est ma proie - la déchiqueter, la réduire en pièces, un amas de chair, des cheveux qui se détachent, des dents qui se déboîtent. La phrase lancinante, entre les tempes. This is not a love song. Je veux l'entendre crier - pas gémir. Des hurlements de louve à qui l'on prend ses petits. Il y a une heure. Il y a deux heures. Je n'ai pas voulu me laisser entraîner. J'ai refusé la rencontre avec Étienne. J'ai refusé que nous nous rendions à l'endroit exact. Là où. J'ai refusé en bloc les souvenirs et les regrets. Je ne plongerai pas dans un février où je n'étais pas. " Vincent a la quarantaine conquérante de ceux qui ont su se faire une place au soleil, loin de la "lose" de leurs années de jeunesse. Jusqu'à ce mois de juillet où il revient dans sa ville natale, dix ans après l'avoir fuie sans un regard pour ceux qu'il laissait derrière lui.




This teacher is mine ! Tome 1

Son professeur lui a conseillé de se battre pour l'homme qu'elle aime et elle va le prendre au mot ! Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : le professeur Furuya est à elle !



Récits de voyage

Destination Japon. "This is a pen !"

Fabienne, huit ans, vit avec ses parents dont le père a été affecté à Tokyo. Elle raconte d'une manière libre et humoristique les aventures d'une fille dans la fleur de l'âge débarquant au Japon dans les années soixante-dix. Cet archipel - si lointain de l'Europe - est encore fermé et peu d'étrangers se croisent mis à part quelques Américains. Les jeunes Japonais, qui apprennent tous en deuxième langue l'anglais, se délecteront de vous montrer du doigt en prononçant cette phrase : This is a pen ! Mais pourquoi ? Son séjour de six ans, sa pratique linguistique, sa scolarité sur place lui ont permis de bien saisir les us et coutumes de ce pays. Un moyen pour les adolescents de comparer cette histoire vécue avec leur époque actuelle. Ce roman se veut joyeux et instructif.




This teacher is mine ! Tome 11

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 12

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 8

Le précieux ami D'An, Kimishima, l'embrasse soudain et lui déclare son amour ! Devant l'attitude encore plus entreprenante de ce dernier, l'esprit de compétition de Monsieur Furuga se met inconsciemment en branle lui aussi ! Dans ces circonstances, An et le professeur sortent ensemble pour la première fois depuis bien longtemps sur leur jour de congé... Pour ne rien arranger, une ancienne camarade d'université de Monsieur Furuga, Minato, vient effectuer son stage de pratique dans l'enseignement ! Et il semblerait qu'elle soit amoureuse de lui... Non seulement An ne peut pas avouer qu'elle est sa petite amie, mais ayant promis en plus d'aider sa rivale, elle se retrouve dans une situation épineuse !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 2

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !




This teacher is mine ! tome 3

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !



Arts divinatoires

This is Venice Witch. Shadow Edition

Le nouvel oracle de This is Venice ! Lili Nguyen, alias This is Venice, revient avec un second oracle empli de sagesse. A utiliser seules ou avec celles du premier volume, les 33 cartes somptueusement illustrées par Lucie Louxor vous aideront à déceler les messages que l'univers vous envoie, ainsi que les conseils de ceux qui veillent sur vous. Grâce au livre explicatif et guidé par votre intuition, laissez les cartes vous montrer le chemin de vie qui vous est destiné et trouvez les réponses à toutes les questions que vous vous posez.



Non classé

Dislocated Identities

This book offers a significant, original and timely contribution to the study of one of the most important and notorious Latin American authors of the twentieth century : Reinaldo Arenas. The text engages with the many extraordinary intersections created between Arenas' writing, the autobiographical construction of the literary subject and the exilic condition. Through focusing on texts written on the island of Cuba and in exile, the author analyses the ways in which Arenas' writing emblemises a complex process of identification with, and rejection of, his homeland – always an imagined place and which is, as the place of his origins, intrinsically related to the maternal. She examines how the maternal and the motherland are conflated and how the narrator-protagonists' identification is always in relation to, and dependent upon, this dominant motif. The book also explores the extent to which Arenas' writing is a tortuous attempt to escape from this dominance and to free himself and his writing from the ties that bind him to the mother and the motherland, and shows that Arenas suffered the exilic condition long before his move to the United States in 1980 as part of the Mariel exodus.



Mouvements artistiques

Hockney's Eye. The Art and Technology of Depiction

David Hockney is the best known and most widely admired painter in the world. This vibrant catalogue accompanies a major exhibition at the The Fitzwilliam Museum and the Heong Gallery in Cambridge, as well as the Teylers Museum in Haarlem, Netherlands. Throughout his long career, David Hockney has insistently explored diverse ways of depicting the visible world. He has scrutinised the methods of the old masters, and explored radical departures from their cherished assumptions The exhibition and accompanying book are the first to focus on this central theme in his art. "Western art" from the Renaissance until at least the late 19th century has been dominated by the depiction of nature. Was this to be accomplished by direct looking (called "eyeballing" by Hockney) or with the assistance of optical theory and devices, such as cameras ? Hockney has experimented with the full range of existing strategies, overtly using perspective in some of his classic pictures and rigorously investigating optical aids for the imitation of nature, including the camera obscura and camera lucida. Yet he has come to reject the photograph as the definitive image of what we see. Along the way, he has identified a "camera culture'' in European painting from 1400, arguing very controversially that the supreme naturalism of painters like Jan van Eyck are the product of optical devices. His book, Secret Knowledge (2001), with its majestic panorama of paintings over the course of five centuries, claims that art historians have missed the central aspect of painters' practice. The "Hockney thesis" has been received more favourably outside the professional world of art history than in it. His own artistic practice has been in vigorous dialogue with his radical thesis, and he has progressively demonstrated new and dynamic ways of characterising the visual world without perspective and other conventional techniques. This quest results a series of joyous challenges to our ways of seeing in the major exhibition in Cambridge at the Fitzwilliam Museum and in the Heong Gallery (Downing College). It will look at the whole span of Hockney's varied career and at the nature of the optical devices he has tested. His vision will be explored in the setting of traditional masterpieces of naturalistic observation, and in the context of modern sciences and technologies of seeing. The first section of the book looks at his thrilling experiments in seeing and representing in broad historical and contemporary contexts. This is followed by discussions of pre-photographic devices for capturing the appearances of things by optical means. The third section includes essays on Hockney's experiments from the perspectives of neuroscience and computer vision. In short, it reveals in a new way the working of Hockney's unique eye.



Littérature française

Letters of Kavi Yogi, Volume 1, Correspondence of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

Preface Letters of Kaviyogi is a book which is an inspiration to any reader. This giant of a man was the author of the epic Bharata Shakti but remained a humble seeker after truth and God's grace. During his lifetime, Kaviyogi wrote many letters to his family, fellow poets, fighters for Indian independence and other great thinkers he met during his travels. In these letters he sets out his philosophy and beliefs, describing the struggles he had to overcome in order to live according to his principles. He offers many wise words of guidance on important matters ; including the correct education of young men and women, and the need for justice and fairness in society. We cannot fail to be touched by the insights he offers and his generosity in sharing his thoughts with us. Daye Craddock Editor's Notes A warm thank you to Daye Craddock for her help in careful editing of this book. It is a real pleasure for me to present Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to us. With the blessing of Aum Shuddha Shakti Aum. Christian Piaget



Littérature française

Letters of Kavi Yogi, Volume 2, Correspondence of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

Preface Letters of Kaviyogi is a book which is an inspiration to any reader. This giant of a man was the author of the epic Bharata Shakti but remained a humble seeker after truth and God's grace. During his lifetime, Kaviyogi wrote many letters to his family, fellow poets, fighters for Indian independence and other great thinkers he met during his travels. In these letters he sets out his philosophy and beliefs, describing the struggles he had to overcome in order to live according to his principles. He offers many wise words of guidance on important matters ; including the correct education of young men and women, and the need for justice and fairness in society. We cannot fail to be touched by the insights he offers and his generosity in sharing his thoughts with us. Daye Craddock Editor's Notes A warm thank you to Daye Craddock for her help in careful editing of this book. It is a real pleasure for me to present Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to us. With the blessing of Aum Shuddha Shakti Aum. Christian Piaget



Non classé

Embracing Democracy

Hermann Broch wrote two of the most significant novels of German modernism, The Sleepwalkers and The Death of Virgil, which established his importance to German literature. His writings on democracy, mass delusion and internationalism are more obscure. Embracing Democracy examines the central political, social and psychological tenets of Broch's concept of "total democracy" as an expression of the synthesis of his European intellectual development – his Viennese Bildung – and his new position as an exile from fascism. This book chronicles Broch's experiences from the founding of the Austrian First Republic to his exile in the United States (1918 to 1951). The author traces two seemingly contradictory narratives in Broch's political consciousness. On the one hand, Broch held an intellectual position in his post-exile political theory that was consistent with the philosophy of history, psychology and epistemology of his Viennese milieu. On the other hand, he significantly reconceived the utility of politics for his theory of value construction, while also becoming more involved in political activism. This book provides new perspectives on the work of Hermann Broch beyond his literary oeuvre and offers insights into the development of political theory among exiled European intellectuals in the United States.




Mon look book par Cristina Cordula

La chemise blanche, le jean, la saharienne, la jupe crayon, la petite robe noire, le trench, la marinière... ces vêtements font partie de la trentaine de pièces basiques du dressing féminin à partir desquelles nous composons la plupart de nos tenues. Dans ce superbe livre, Cristina Cordula vous propose de redécouvrir ces pièces, de les réinterpréter, de trouver les associations qui changent tout ! Voyage ou week-end, bureau ou sortie au ciné, soirée d'exception... et si vous appreniez à jouer avec vos basiques pour créer de nouveaux looks chics et seyants pour toutes les situations ? Photos street-style dans Paris, magnifiques dessins de mode, looks à plat plein de fantaisie : entrez dans le monde de Cristina et laissez-vous guider par son inspiration, ses coups de coeur. La mode est un jeu !



Verre, dinanderie, céramique

Wilmotte - Murano

This book, published in the wake of the "Agua e fogo" - "Water and Fire" - exhibition, highlights the work of French designer Jean-Michel Wilmotte in collaboration with Murano's glassblowers and craftsmen. Wilmotte's " Vessels " collection is a blend of nostalgia and modernity. Its 60 creations (chandeliers, table lamps, wall lamps, vases) are inspired by the designer's childhood memories of contemplating his father's pharmaceutical laboratory. Using the transparency and malleability of glass, each piece is delicate and refined, emphasising symmetry and balance - themes that Wilmotte is very fond of in his work. Alessandra Chemollo's photographs, shot exclusively in Venice, suggest a journey through the city, its craftsmen's workshops and its reflections. Architecture and craftsmanship are thus merged, in a quest for continuity and complementarity.
