
New Headway Pre-Intermediate Student's Book. 4th edition



Anglais apprentissage

New Headway Pre-Intermediate Student's Book. 4th edition

For students : Students Book with or without Oxford Online Skills Program to improve all four skills ; Workbook with or without key ; Students website with extra activities and all audio and video resources for the course at : For teachers : Teacher's Book with Teacher's Resource Disc ; Class Audio CD's ; LMS for Oxford Online Skills Program. Track progress and plan personalized learning. Get started at : ; Teacher's website for resources and ideas at : Headway.



Anglais apprentissage

Commercially speaking. Workbook

Commercially Speaking is an elementary to pre-intermediate level course in language and communication skills for students on vocational courses. It will be especially useful to those working towards a qualification to help them find work in a commercial environment where they will need to use some English. There is a strong focus on commercial correspondence and telephoning skills, which are practised within a realistic framework designed to reflect the situations students will meet on entering the workplace. This Workbookfollows the syllabus of the Student's Book, with greater emphasis on reading and writing tesks, and activities which can be carried out for homework or as extension activities in the classroom. Material from authentic sources is included where appropriate. Answers to Workbook exercises are included at the end of the corresponding unit in the Teacher's Book. The complete course comprises the Student's Book, this Workbook, a Teacher's Bookwith a complimentary diskand photocopiable progress tests, and one audio cassette.



Autres langues

Japanese for busy people I. Revised edition

In the ten years since its publication, Japanese for Busy People has won acceptance worldwide as an effective, easy-to-understand textbook, either for classroom use or for independent study. In this new edition, numerous revisions and additions have been made, taking into account the comments and responses of both students and teachers who have been using the course. In Book 1, the revisions are directed at making the grammatical explanations easier to understand, while adding further explanations of points that students have difficulty with. Changes have also been made in favor of more natural practice sentences and dialogues. In addition, new appendices list the particles, interrogatives, and sentence patterns in the book, as well as the kanji introduced. More fundamental revisions have been made to Book II, which has been expanded and divided into two volumes, Book II and Book III. The changes result in a smoother transition from Book I, make new grammatical elements clearer, and present more natural practice dialogues and exercise sentences. This concise course in natural Japanese is ideal for such students as businessmen whose aim is a working knowledge of the spoken language in everyday life. "Survival Japanese for Adults," as it might be called, gets to the heart of the language without recourse to childish or classroom-only Japanese. Vocabulary and grammar have been limited to about one-third that usually encountered in beginner courses, and words and patterns that students will find immediately useful are emphasized. The thirty lessons are composed of dialogues, notes on grammar, and vocabulary, exercises, and quizzes. In addition to developing verbal fluency, by the time the student is one-third of the way through Book 1, he or she will have mastered the two phonetic syllabaries of Japanese, hiragana and katakana.



Anglais apprentissage

Interactive business English. A complete resource kit for students and teachers

This interactive method for the classroom gives students the opportunity to converse with each other in English over variety of professional topics. Written for intermediate or advanced learners, the exercises include telephonings, the job interview, the marketing mix, meetings, culture and daily business and conducting surveys about Internet. Devised with both the learner and the teacher in mind, this new pedagogical tool will liven up the business English training session with communication opportunities that are varied, useful, and student-centered. In its pictograph format, it is simple to follow, and provides everything the class will need to make progressa in spore communication in a professionnel contexte. Used integrally, the six chapters provide material for over 20 classroom hours.




Student Involvement & Academic Outcomes

Student Involvement and Academic Outcomes links student involvement to tangible academic outcomes (i.e., GPAs, retention rates, graduation rates). This is particularly important for diverse student populations (e.g., underrepresented minority, first-generation college, and low-income students) who now make up a significant portion (and will soon become the majority) of U.S. college students. The text is a valuable tool for higher education administrators, faculty, staff, graduate students, parents, students, and scholars alike. In addition, the volume is ideal for master's and doctoral programs in higher education and student affairs-related fields and for courses that examine issues/experiences associated with diverse U.S. college students, student affairs intervention strategies, racial and ethnic diversity in higher education, and critical/contemporary issues in higher education.



Anglais primaire

New Hop in! CE1. Activity Book, Edition 2021

Un ancrage dans la culture anglophone, avec de nombreux visuels et de 25 animations en accès direct et gratuit. De nombreuses activités d'oral et d'écoute à partir des ressources audios de la méthode. Des évaluations pour chaque Hop ! La méthode idéale, pas à pas, pour enseigner l'anglais sans complexe ! AVANTAGE PRESCRIPTEUR : l'Activity Book numérique offert avec les animations vidéos, l'audio et les corrigés au clic.



Français langue étrangère (FLE

French intermediate. Workbook

This easy-to-use workbook has been designed specificallyfor intermediate learners in French. It includes 180 fun-filled exercises (with answers) which follow a logical progression. You will be able to self-assess your level at the end of each chapter. Every aspect of the language has been covered, including grammar, spelling, vocabulary, syntax, pronunciation and accentuation. 180 fun-filled exercises (with answers) to learn French ; Tasks include : matching, fill the blanks, find the odd one, unscrambling exercises, crosswords, riddles and more ; Grammar, conjugation, spelling, pronunciation and accentuation ; Test yourself with our self-assessment tasks.



USA - Californie

California's best trips. 4th edition

Driving itineraries covering a range of regions in California




Mon look book par Cristina Cordula

La chemise blanche, le jean, la saharienne, la jupe crayon, la petite robe noire, le trench, la marinière... ces vêtements font partie de la trentaine de pièces basiques du dressing féminin à partir desquelles nous composons la plupart de nos tenues. Dans ce superbe livre, Cristina Cordula vous propose de redécouvrir ces pièces, de les réinterpréter, de trouver les associations qui changent tout ! Voyage ou week-end, bureau ou sortie au ciné, soirée d'exception... et si vous appreniez à jouer avec vos basiques pour créer de nouveaux looks chics et seyants pour toutes les situations ? Photos street-style dans Paris, magnifiques dessins de mode, looks à plat plein de fantaisie : entrez dans le monde de Cristina et laissez-vous guider par son inspiration, ses coups de coeur. La mode est un jeu !



Enseignement primaire

Anglais CP New Hop In! Activity Book, Edition 2021

Un apprentissage de l'anglais concret et ludique, ancré dans la culture des pays anglophones. 10 Hops ! lancés par une animation vidéo autour de la vie quotidienne des enfants. Une approche privilégiant le chant et l'image avec 12 chansons pour faciliter la compréhension et encourager la prise de parole. Des situations concrètes pour s'imprégner de la culture des pays anglophones. Des projets de classe simples permettant d'acquérir par le jeu les compétences langagières essentielles. Des évaluations ludiques, courtes et régulières. Les chansons et les ressources audio se trouvent dans le CD-Rom du guide pédagogique destiné à l'enseignant pour un usage en classe. Les outils de la méthode Hop in ! : le Guide pédagogique avec CD-Rom banque de ressources, l'Activity Book de l'élève, les 16 posters recto-verso, les 126 flashcards.



BD tout public

New York Book. Dessins pour The New Yorker

Joost Swarte contribue au légendaire magazine The New Yorker depuis 1994. Ce livre présente plus de 450 dessins réalisés pour l'hebdomadaire pendant ces vingt ans : croquis, illustrations de toutes tailles, et bien sûr, toutes les couvertures exécutées par le maître néerlandais. Joost Swarte fait de la bande dessinée depuis 1968. Dans la plus pure des lignes claires, il met en scène et en jeu des thèmes complexes et contemporains. Ses histoires ont paru dans Tante Leny Presenteert, Charlie Mensuel et Raw Magazine. Il combine ses activités d'auteur de bande dessinée à celles d'illustrateur, d'architecte, de graphiste, de typographe... et même de créateur de vitraux.



BD tout public

The TechnoPriests Book 1 : Techno Pre-School

On the Sacred Asteroid, my mother the high priestess first gave birth to my brother Almagro, a splendid dark-skinned child who immediately took his place at her breast. I was born later, whiter than marble and every scrawny, because already in the womb my brother had pushed himself into my space. But even more frightful was our little sister, Onyx, bright red and with four arms. I, Albino, have now become Supreme TechnoPriest, and can tell my story.



Enseignement primaire

New Hop in! CM1 cycle 3. Activity Book, Edition 2019

Un apprentissage de l'anglais concret et ludique, ancré dans la culture des pays anglophones. 18 Hops ! autour de thématiques proches des enfants, lancés par une animation vidéo. De nombreuses activités orales de compréhension et d'expression, à partir de ressources audio. Des documents visuels et sonores authentiques, pour une imprégnation culturelle forte. Des projets collaboratifs permettant d'acquérir par l'action de solides compétences langagières. Des évaluations régulières. En fin de cahier, du matériel destiné à l'élève : cartes à découper, étiquettes à coller...




WC Book. Edition 2021

Le WC BOOK, c'est 624 pages qui vous accompagnent chaque année aux toilettes depuis 15 ans ! Avec 800 000 exemplaires vendus depuis 2006, comment chiffrer le nombre d'heures passées à dévorer ses contenus éclectiques ? Blagues, contrepètries, mots croisés, énigmes, anecdotes historiques, scientifiques & culturelles, histoires insolites, quiz, mots mêlés, sudoku, peopleries, charades, des pages dédiées aux "perles du confinement"... Sans oublier les dessins humoristiques décalés de l'illustrateur belge Ah ! . Vous avez une bonne excuse pour créer un embouteillage devant les toilettes !



WC Book. Edition 2023

Vous divertir, c'est vital. Alors autant le faire avec des jeux de qualité qui font bouger vos neurones et vos zygomatiques, c'est encore mieux ! Cette année encore, on a pensé à vous de tout notre coeur en vous offrant une mine de jeux indispensables pour animer vos passages aux toilettes ! Charades, quizs, sudokus, contrepèteries, intrus, mots mêlés, mots croisés, énigmes, anagrammes... bref, après tant d'années de fidélité, vous connaissez la chanson !



Physique, chimie

CHEMISTRY IN CONTEXT. Applying Chemistry to Society, Third Edition

Chemistry in Context Online Learning Center New to the third edition is the Chemistry in Context Online Learning Center (OLC). This Internet-based resource, for both students and instructors, includes web-searching activities that are embedded right in the text as part of the Consider This and Your Turn exercises. End-of-chapter questions also include web-based activities. In addition, the OLC includes searching tips and information to help students evaluate the quality of web sites. Instructors can find links to useful source material for lectures and classroom discussions. Also available online are sections of the Instructors Resource Guide (IRG). Laboratory Manual to accompany Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society, Third Edition This laboratory manual is specifically designed to support the concepts presented in Chemistry in Context. The experiments use simple chemical equipment and easy-to-follow procedures. Some are adaptations of traditional experiments; others are quite novel. The experiments require little mastery of traditional laboratory techniques, so maximum student time can be devoted to explorations and acquiring data.



12 ans et +

Cathy's Book

Si tu n'es pas Emma, repose immédiatement ce carnet ! Emma, je sais que cette histoire parait dingue. Maman et toi, vous devez vous demander où je suis passée et quand je reviendrai. Voilà pourquoi je te laisse ce carnet, au cas où il m'arriverait quelque chose et qu'on ne me revoit plus jamais. Regarde bien tout ce qu'il y a là-dedans. Appelle les numéros de téléphone. Va sur les sites internet. Mais surtout pas un mot à personne, sauf si tu as envie de finir impliquée jusqu'au cou comme moi. Ne t'en fais pas, je m'en sortirai (enfin j'espère). Après tout, c'est peut-être le début d'une nouvelle vie pour moi. Ce qui est sûr, c'est que plus rien ne sera comme avant. Appelle-moi. Bisous. Cathy.



12 ans et +

Cathy's book

Ca ne va pas fort dans la vie de Cathy depuis quelques temps : son père est décédé brutalement, la laissant seule avec sa mère dans un profond désarroi. Ses résultats au lycée s'en ressentent, elle a complètement décroché, au grand dam de sa meilleure amie Emma qui ne cesse de l'encourager, en vain. Et puis elle vient de se faire plaquer par son petit ami Victor, un Chinois d'une vingtained'années auréolé d'un certain mystère.




Database Development Environment. Oracle Architecture

This book is not a training book like the others ; this is not a self-study book, nor a reference manual, nor a practical manual... This book presents the database development environment to namely ORACLE, which aims to initiate and master the Oracle environment by presenting its architecture. Notes that I have used over the last decade to the Higher In-stitute of Management of Gabes (Tunisia) within the IT depart-ment applied this course to management. This book suitable for computer lessons for degree students and for students in Computer Engineering. The main chapters covered in this book are : - The Oracle architecture basics - The logical structure of ORACLE database - Transaction management - The Administrative Tools - Backup and Recovery



Sciences de la terre et de la

Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences. 2nd edition

Modern studies of atmospheres, oceans, and Earth and planetary systems require a good knowledge of basic chemical principles. This book provides a clear, concise grounding in these principles. Undergraduate and graduate students with little formal training in chemistry can work through the chapters, and the numerous exercises, within this book before accessing more advanced texts in atmospheric chemistry, geochemistry, and the environmental sciences. Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences covers the fundamental concepts of chemical equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, solution chemistry, acid and base chemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, and photochemistry. This new edition has been updated and revised from the first edition. In a companion volume entitled Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry (2000, Cambridge University Press) Peter Hobbs provides an introduction to atmospheric chemistry itself, including its applications to air pollution, acid rain, the ozone hole, and climate change. Together these two books provide on ideal introduction to atmospheric chemistry for a variety of disciplines.



Art contemporain

Jared Bark Book of Stacks Stack of Books /franCais/anglais

En 2012, l'artiste américain Jared Bark, s'est mis à empiler des livres dans les champs et les bois autour de sa ferme. Il avait cette image en tête d'une colonne de livres dressée au bord d'un champ entouré d'arbres. Après avoir travaillé sur les piles en extérieur, Jared Bark a déplacé le projet dans son atelier, où il a fabriqué toutes sortes de piles de livres : des colorées, des brulées, des effacées...Plus récemment, Bark a construit des piles verticales de livres qui sont ensuite passées dans une scierie pour devenir une "cant", terme désignant une bûche qui a été fraisée sur les quatre côtés. La verticalité élancée de ces sculptures fait référence à la fois aux arbres dont on fait le papier et aux anciennes colonnes autoportantes que Bark a découvertes à Pompéi. Book of Stacks, Stacks of Books rassemble pour la première fois dans un livre une sélection complète des piles que Bark a réalisées au cours de la dernière décennie.



Littérature française

Sri Krishna and His Gospel, Sri Krishna’s flute calls you to love

Sri Krishna and His Gospel We dedicate this Book to Sri Krishna the World teacher whose Gita is the World-Gospel. This was written during a long Yogic communion with the Lord Krishna, by his fervent devotee Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati who lives and loves the Gita. Saint Shuddhananda Bharati invoked Sri Krishna in his meditation and took inspiration from that Supreme Grace for every line of the Holy Book. Thus this is Sri Krishna's treatise on His Gita. This is a book for all. We have not put any picture of Krishna in the book for who can paint his universal beauty ? The Nature-universe is his Visvarupa. So dear readers, see him in Nature's beauty and contemplate upon each line of this book. This book teaches you how to live in God-consciousness. It is a real pleasure and a great privilege for me to present this treatise on Sri Krishna and His Gospel to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Sri Krishna and His Gospel to us. The first edition of this book is dated on 24th November 1943. Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget




Galois Theory. 1998, 2nd edition

This text offers a clear, efficient exposition of Galois Theory with complete proofs and exercises. Topics include: cubic and quartic formulas, Fundamental Theory of Galois Theory; insolvability of the quintic; Galois's Great Theorem (solvability by radicals of a polynomial is equivalent to solvability of its Galois Group); and computation of Galois groups of cubics and quartics. There are appendices on group theory, ruler-compass constructions, and the early history of Galois Theory. This book provides a concise introduction to Galois Theory suitable for first-year graduate students, either as a text for a course or for study outside the classroom. This new edition has been completely rewritten. Proofs are now clearer because more details are given and because the exposition has been reorganized (for example, the discussion of solvability by radicals now appears later in the book). The book now begins with a short section on symmetry groups of polygons in the plane, for there is an analogy between symmetry groups of polygons and Galois groups of polynomials. This analogy can serve as a guide to help readers organize the theoretic definitions and constructions. Several new theorems have also been included; for example, the Casus Irreducibilis.



Expression écrite

Digital Nomad's Book

Ce carnet est fait pour toi si tu travailles sur les réseaux & plus particulièrement sur Instagram. Il a été conçu pour les MLM, VDI & créateurs. Que contient-il exactement ? Il est divisé en plusieurs parties : - Me, Myself & I : Cette partie ne concerne que toi & ton évolution au sein de ta société - Ma team : Un suivi de tes partenaires afin de les aider à évoluer - Semainiers : 52 semaines non datées pour t'aider à planifier ta création de contenu, fixer tes objectifs, noter tes idées, lister tes actions, organiser tes appels avec tes prospects - Suivi des Followers & des statistiques - Liste Hashtag : Pour ne plus chercher pendant des heures les bons # sous tes publications - Suivi Prospects - Suivi Clients Un carnet complet pour t'aider à être structuré & avoir une vue globale sur les points les plus importants pour ta réussite pro.



Physique, chimie

Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry. 4th edition

This popular textbook gives a clear and lucid account of the underlying principles of statistical methods. The fourth edition has been revised and updated to reflect the growing popularity of statistics and chemometric methods and new approaches in optimisation and experimental design. The authors have also addressed the quality of analytical chemistry data and experimental results, an area of increasing concern to chemists testing the safety of food and medicines. Key features of the new edition: - Expanded material to create new chapters on "Experimental Design and Optimisation" and "Multivariate Analysis" - Completely new chapter on "The Quality of Analytical Measurements" - Revised questions with complete solutions throughout the text - Updated worked examples including calculations performed using Microsoft Excel and Minitab - Glossary and a flow chart to guide readers in their choice of significance tests - Instructors' manual and companion website available. This book will suit undergraduate, M.Sc. and graduate courses in Analytical Chemistry and related topics, and will also be valuable for researchers and chemists working in analytical chemistry everywhere.




The Art of Positive Communication

How we communicate with each other matters greatly. Our identity, our friendships and marriages, our families, and our culture are the product of how we speak to one another. Our words affect our hopes and dreams, as well as those of our children. We insult, complain, or criticize. We compliment, offer support, and inspire. These are choices that take place in the crevices of our most private and public conversations with others. This book bridges communication theory and practice to foreground an important message : positive communication matters. By examining closely how people talk to each other at home or at work, this book enables undergraduate and graduate students to communicate more positively. The Art of Positive Communication is an ideal text for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in interpersonal communication courses and as a supplemental text to inspire all students to communicate better.




WC Book Spécial jeux. Edition 2020

Que vous soyez en plein rush au travail ou en week-end prolongé chez vos beaux-parents... Le WC Book spécial jeux sera votre meilleur compagnon de route ! Laissez le stress de la vie quotidienne derrière la porte des toilettes et réfugiez-vous dans votre pièce préférée, votre WC Book Spécial Jeux en main... Grâce à lui, votre pause intime sera légère et drôle.




WC Book Spécial Jeux. Edition 2024

Millésime 2024 du WC BOOK JEUX : le livre de jeux et de blagues pour vous accompagner aux toilettes ! Des jeux et blagues à profusion pour vos séjours au petit coin ! Sudokus, énigmes, devinettes, mots croisés, charades, labyrinthes, rébus, quiz, suites logiques... Que vous soyez en (télé)travail ou en week-end prolongué chez vos beaux-parents... Le WC Book spécial jeux agrémentera les pauses qui s'imposent ! Laissez le tumulte du quotidien derrière le verrou des toilettes et réfugiez-vous dans votre pièce préférée avec votre WC Book Spécial Jeux... Vous ne verrez plus le temps passer (contrairement à ceux qui attendront leur tour) !



Psychologie, psychanalyse

Research methods. Fifth Edition, avec 1 CD-ROM

Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry explores the entire range of research methodologies in psychology, using a programmatic approach to introduce topics and build on earlier presentations to increase student understanding. The authors emphasize research concepts, rather than simply presenting cookbook-like strategies, to help students develop an understanding of scientific research. Review exercises at the end of each chapter (with answers to select exercises in an appendix) provide students with examples for self-review. Expanded treatment of research ethics gives students an early introduction to considerations vital in research design, and involves them in later discussions of the ethics of human and animal research. A unique decision-tree flowchart takes students step-by-step through the characteristics of any basic research design to the choice of appropriate statistical procedures and allows instructors to pick statistical procedures based on already-learned course material. Every copy of the text comes packaged with a free student tutorial CD-ROM. This free CD is an integrated package of pedagogical features in a cross-platform format. It includes an Interactive Study Guide, a Lab Manual, and tutorials on statistical analysis, library research, and APA writing style. Coverage of advanced topics render this a resource for future use.



Cuisine Italienne

Le River Cafe Look Book. Recettes italiennes pour petits et grands

La cuisine, qu'est-ce que c'est ? Ce n'est pas qu'une affaire de goût. C'est une question de textures, de couleurs et de sons. C'est aussi une question de méthode, de chimie et d'associations étonnantes. C'est une histoire d'amour.
