
Lifelong Learning and Teacher Development




Lifelong Learning and Teacher Development

The papers in this collection contribute to our understanding of several aspects of lifelong learning. Two papers highlight the characteristics of reflection among teachers including self-evaluation and blogging. Two other papers study cooperation in lifelong learning – one, the impact of communities on professional learning among university lecturers, and the other, teacher-principal-parent partnerships in early childhood education. Universities offer a variety of courses and one paper analyses the impact on students of a course in educational psychology. The experience of dilemmas in history teaching is described in the next paper, and the reading habits of Estonian adolescents according to the PISA study are analysed in the final paper.



Anglais apprentissage

New Headway Pre-Intermediate Student's Book. 4th edition

For students : Students Book with or without Oxford Online Skills Program to improve all four skills ; Workbook with or without key ; Students website with extra activities and all audio and video resources for the course at : For teachers : Teacher's Book with Teacher's Resource Disc ; Class Audio CD's ; LMS for Oxford Online Skills Program. Track progress and plan personalized learning. Get started at : ; Teacher's website for resources and ideas at : Headway.



Non classé

Health and Development in Africa

In order to account for the multiplicity of the development problem the interaction of health and development has been discussed at an international interdisciplinary symposium. Scholars from both humanities and sciences from the United States, Africa and Europe examined jointly economic and health problems not leaving apart cultural anthropological aspects.



Non classé

Development and Developing International and European Law

This book contains more than 40 contributions from academics, specialists and practitioners in International and European law as well as transnational constitutional law. The articles focus on recent developments in these fields and in particular on legal aspects of development. The book is dedicated to Konrad Ginther whose own academic research and work have always been devoted to new developments in international law and the shift of legal paradigms at universal and regional levels. International law in transformation and the right to (sustainable) development as a legal principle have been important aspects of his work. The contributions of his colleagues, friends and scholars, published in honour of his 65th birthday, reflect the interplay of theory, dogmatics and the practice of development in international, European and national constitutional law.




Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics. Teachers' understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States

This book describes the nature and development of the "profound understanding of fundamental mathematics" that elementary teachers need to become accomplished mathematics teachers, and suggests why such teaching knowledge is much more common in China than in the United States, despite the fact that Chinese teachers have less formal education than their U.S. counterparts. The studies described in this volume suggest that Chinese teachers begin their teaching careers with a better understanding of elementary mathematics than mat of most U.S. elementary teachers. Their understanding of the mathematics they teach and-equally important-of the ways that elementary mathematics can be presented to students, continues to grow throughout their professional lives. Teaching conditions in the United States, unlike those in China, militate against the development of elementary teachers' mathematical knowledge and its organization for teaching. The concluding chapter of the book suggests changes in teacher preparation, teacher support, and mathematics education research that might allow teachers in the United States to attain profound understanding of fundamental mathematics.




Development Program Monitoring and Evaluation System Effectiveness

This book is a contribution to the building of a knowledge base for the effectiveness of M&E-Systems in the field of development management. The primary focus is to contribute to the clarification of what rigorous frameworks would apply to understand and meaningfully measure M&E-System effectiveness. The book has the aim of translating outcomes from Dr. Ba's thesis research on M&E-System effectiveness into an actionable contribution to better reach development practitioners and managers. The book is mainly devoted to development managers and M&E experts who wish to find superior ways of managing M&ESystems for improved decision-making and measured risk-taking in moving development policies and programs towards the greater freedom and welfare of people mainly in Africa. The book focuses on M&E-System effectiveness and how it influences the dynamic capabilities of development organizations and institutions in managing development programs and projects. The book presents the challenges in seeking an effective M&E-System, examines the gaps and limits in assessing it, and finally proposes ways to rigorously measure its effectiveness. The book may also contribute to the scientific and professional discussions on what would be the meaningful framework to better understand the success factors that underlie an effective M&E-System and also how they help improve development management.



Sciences politiques

Educational Assistance and School Development in Sierra Leone

The subject of foreign assistance in education for developing countries has gained increasing importance in the last twenty years. The fact that the efforts of both donors and recipients of assistance have not been entirely satisfying has resulted in repeated appeals for intensified scientific investigation into this area. This study represents a response to those appeals from the point of view of an educationist from a recipient country (Sierra Leone).Using historical and field investigations, case studies of three representative agencies were conducted between 1988 and 1989 : a multilateral (UNESCO), a bilateral (British) and a private (Baptist Church).The results indicate that both the approach and goals of aid agencies as well as the degree of involvement of target groups leave a lot to be desired. On the basis of these results, recommendations are made for future cooperation.





Detailed information on how to... * Learn the latest proven OOA (Object Oriented Analysis) techniques from a leader in the field! * Go beyond the basics and apply advanced design techniques to your applications. * Master all of the development languages available to you in Domino! You'll find three chapters each on the Formula Language, LotusScript, Java and JavaScript, and a chapter on HTML, plus a chapter to help you determine when to use each language. * Analyze your Domino applications using TeamStudio Analyzer. * Use all of the new features in R5: Resources, Outlines, Pages, Framesets and more! * Work effectively with Notes security in your applications. * Take full advantage of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). * Rev up your Web and intranet applications with Java, JavaScript, HTML and Domino URLs. * The complete book and source code is contained in a searchable Domino database available on the CD.




Cahiers du LLL n° 12 bis – Telepresence teaching (and learning). From the immersive to the virtual classroom

Hybrid or fully online ? Synchronous or asynchronous ? Unimodal, bimodal, comodal or multimodal ? The all-out development of distance learning has led to the creation of appropriate digital systems, either by using what was already in place (such as video conferencing classrooms and web conferencing software supporting virtual classrooms) or introducing innovative environments (such as immersive telepresence classrooms). To use these versatile, multi-functional technologies, teachers need to take a step back to enable them to adapt their teaching methods and offer learners a suitable environment that overcomes physical and geographical distances. As for students, the need to "be there" and "be together" while learning remotely has to be taken into account to maintain their commitment and ensure they continue to contribute, despite the fact they are apart. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the importance of the professional, collegial and friendship connections we have with those we usually meet face-to-face in a traditional classroom. Telepresence systems enable all these people to come together remotely (and synchronously) and make it possible to use active teaching methods, driven by the self-regulation of the learners. But what is telepresence ? Do teachers need any special training ? How do you attend lessons remotely ? How do participants learn in a telepresence setting ? What type of student assessment can be used in such an environment ? The result of international collaboration, this short guide looks at these questions from both a research and a practical perspective, inviting you to explore telepresence teaching and learning.



Non classé

The Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations in Applied Linguistics and Language Learning

This dictionary is two things in one : an alphabetical compilation of acronyms and abbreviations together with their full forms and an inverted index, which gives the user thematic access to the information contained in the data base. The more than 13.000 entries are an attempt to lighten the burden of language teachers and applied linguists, translators and interpreters, librarians and administrators, whose job it is to mediate in and between language communities in daily or intermittent contact with the scourge of acronyms and abbreviations. A range of additional features distinguishes this dictionary from its competitors : More than 1200 addresses (if the acronym stands for an organization/institution); more than 3000 bibliographic references to the concepts behind the short forms ; ample crossreferencing to related entries ; a listing of new word coinages on the basis of acronyms.



Littérature anglo-saxonne

Black teacher

Dans ce récit autobiographique, Beryl Gilroy retrace la carrière d'une institutrice brillante, débordant d'imagination, pleine de ressources qui devint la première femme noire directrice d'école de Grande-Bretagne entre les années cinquante et soixante-dix. Une lecture incontournable à découvrir dans Vintage. " Peu m'importe que vous ayez travaillé avec Platon, Aristote, Montessori ou Bertrand Russell. Moi, c'est Beryl, et j'entends diriger cette école à ma façon. " Passionnant et inspirant, Black Teacher est le récit autobiographique de l'extraordinaire parcours de Beryl Gilroy, première femme de couleur nommée directrice d'école au Royaume-Uni. Une oeuvre lumineuse et engagée sur l'amour de l'enseignement, la difficulté à s'imposer face au racisme et au mépris, mais aussi l'espoir dans les générations futures. Publié au Royaume-Uni en 1976, réédité en 2021 et jusqu'ici inédit en France, un texte vibrant d'actualité, qui souligne encore et toujours qu'il est urgent de se débarrasser des préjugés et de faire de l'école un lieu de bienveillance.



Anglais apprentissage

Young Learners

Resource Books for Teachers give guidance on the key aspects of language teaching, and provide examples and discussion of actual classroom materials and techniques. This new primary sub-series, in a larger format, specifically addresses the needs of primary teachers, teacher trainers, and trainee teachers. Each book contains guidance for the teacher, 6o to 100 activities for primary children, and up to 20 photocopiable worksheets. The activities are explained clearly and simply, with aims, age range, and level clearly laid out. Young Learners is based on the principle that primary teachers of English have a much wider responsibility than the simple teaching of the language system. The English class is not only a place where children learn English ; it also forms part of their whole education. This book provides teachers with a rich source of ideas for English lessons. It contains ideas and materials for activities such as making posters, books, and cards ; making and playing with board games and puppets, as well as drama, songs, and stories. It includes helpful hints for teachers new to young Learners, for instance on the use of English in the classroom, and feedback from learners.



Anglais apprentissage

Drama with children

Resource Books for Teachers give guidance on the key aspects of language teaching, and provide examples and discussion of actual classroom materials and techniques. This new primary sub-series, in a larger format, specifically addresses the needs of primary teachers, teacher trainers, and trainee teachers. Each book contains guidance for the teacher, 60 to 100 activities for primary children, and up to 20 photocopiable worksheets. The activities are explained clearly and simply, with aims, age range, and level clearly laid out. Drama with Children provides practical ideas for introducing drama activities into the English class, including role play, mime, chants, puppets, and short plays. As well as developing speaking and pronunciation, drama helps children to develop self-confidence and express their imagination, personalities, and creativity. The book shows how activities can be integrated into day-to-day teaching, as well as providing inspiration for performances at open days or end-of-term shows.



Non classé

English-German Contrastive Linguistics: A Bibliography

In the last few years contrastive linguistics has experienced a renaissance. In studies of the German and the English language the fragmentation of interests seems to be particularly undesirable. This bibliography attempts to inventory the contrastive studies concerning the two languages including questions of interference, theory and practice of translation and didactics. The bibliography concerns not only researchers, teachers and students at university, but also practicing teachers in schools and adult education, who are interested in an overview of this linguistic discipline (language teachers, teacher trainers etc.).



Romance sexy

The Campus Teacher

C'était l'interdit à ne pas franchir. Mais si c'était à refaire, il recommencerait ! Fraîchement titularisé sur le campus de Savannah, Conrad est le prof que toutes les étudiantes rêvent d'avoir. Il dégage un charme inouï, d'une telle force que son autorité naturelle n'est remise en cause par personne. Mais quand il découvre que, parmi ses étudiants, se trouve Ava, la jeune fille avec qui il a fait l'amour quelques jours avant la rentrée, les choses se compliquent. Si son secret est découvert, il peut dire adieu à sa carrière universitaire. Elle lui est interdite, il le sait, mais pourra-t-il résister à la tentation ?



Romance sexy

My philove teacher

Elle l'aime en secret. Il est son professeur. Deux êtres que tout oppose... et pourtant... Faith est jeune, timide et très secrète. Vivre un coup de foudre ? Celui qui vous terrasse de l'intérieur ? Elle ne pensait jamais y être confrontée... avant de croiser Glenn Miller dans les couloirs de son lycée. Glenn est reconnu de tous dans sa profession. Il vit l'enseignement de sa matière, la philosophie, comme une véritable vocation. Ses élèves ? Il n'a qu'un but, les ouvrir au débat afin de les initier du mieux possible au monde qui les entoure. Dès qu'ils se retrouvent dans la même salle de classe, elle le dévore des yeux. Littéralement. Il n'en laisse rien paraître. Il est l'adulte, pourtant, c'est elle qui va mener la danse...



Romance sexy

Be My Teacher

A-t-on le droit de tomber amoureuse de son boss ? Non. Et de son professeur ? Encore moins. Et de son boss qui devient son professeur de sexe ? En aucun cas ! Dans la vie de Valentine, tout n'est pas rose. Ecrasée par sa soeur, moquée par sa famille, elle est du genre invisible tendance coincée. Aussi, quand elle débarque au Serial Killer, le bar à cocktails le plus hype de la capitale, pour y être barmaid, personne n'y croit. Surtout pas elle. Encore moins Mads, son beau gosse de boss qui est, de loin, le cocktail le plus hot de la place. Mais justement ! Valentine maîtrise l'art du cocktail à la perfection et elle compte bien s'imposer dans le game. En ce qui concerne le style, elle peut faire confiance à ses amis pour la métamorphoser en oiseau de nuit. Mais pour le sexe, à qui demander conseil ? Il y en a bien un qui serait parfait... Mais est-ce vraiment une bonne idée de demander à son boss de devenir son professeur de sexe ?





With PowerBuilder 7 you have a powerful tool for distributed applications! Jaguar Development with PowerBuilder 7 will leverage your current PowerBuilder knowledge to a broad, new level of usefulness. Packed with code samples and step-by-step explanations including useful screen shots, this book gives you a quick way to learn Jaguar CTS. If you have any experience with PowerBuilder and want to move beyond two-tier computing, this book is for you. What's inside * An overview of distributed computing * How to set up and install Jaguar * Overview of Jaguar CTS and how it handles components, databases and transactions * PB as a component model * How to build jaguar clients with PB * Keys to DataWindow sychronization * How to build a multi-threaded PB application * Overview of CORBA




Database Development Environment. Oracle Architecture

This book is not a training book like the others ; this is not a self-study book, nor a reference manual, nor a practical manual... This book presents the database development environment to namely ORACLE, which aims to initiate and master the Oracle environment by presenting its architecture. Notes that I have used over the last decade to the Higher In-stitute of Management of Gabes (Tunisia) within the IT depart-ment applied this course to management. This book suitable for computer lessons for degree students and for students in Computer Engineering. The main chapters covered in this book are : - The Oracle architecture basics - The logical structure of ORACLE database - Transaction management - The Administrative Tools - Backup and Recovery



Histoire internationale

Perfect fundamental values and the development of Africa. From African Renaissance to Illumination

This book is the result of fundamental research on the thorny issue of Africa's development. It demonstrates that the development of human societies is first and foremost a resultant of true, perfect and eternal knowledge, a process of conversion of the soul to the True, the Good and the Beautiful, before becoming a quest for material and financial means. To acquire this knowledge, one must resort to all knowledge that deals with life and man, beginning with that of God who is the source of this authentic knowledge. Man, made in the image of God, if he goes back to this source, finds the universal fundamentals of perfect knowledge which open to him the path of complete and eternal knowledge. This enables him to launch victoriously into development. All human cultures have this opportunity to resort to the original sources of knowledge : Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and animism. This true and perfect knowledge sets the man in the certainties that renew his intelligence and make him a new, perfect and creative being of development. All the people who have developed have gone through this salutary way. Africa cannot be an exception to this golden rule. With the assistance of CERCUDE and OVAFOPAC.




Kamen Teacher Tome 1

Le lycée Kyokuran, c'est le dépotoir où l'on entasse les pires racailles de Tokyo... Gôta Araki, 24 ans, enseignant de son état, vient d'y être muté... Ses passe-temps favoris ? L'entraînement sportif intensif de la collection de photos de starlettes tirées des magazines... Mais il n'est pas le seul, ce jour-là, à prendre ses fonctions à Kyokuran... Il y a aussi un autre prof... Un prof d'un tout autre genre...




Kamen Teacher Tome 2

Gôta Araki, qui vient d'être muté au lycée Kyokuran, de Tachibana, le nid à racailles de la capitale, est le fameux Kamen Teacher, l'enseignant masqué... Sa pédagogie particulière, comme ses cours de futsal de baston, lui permet de remettre rapidement un peu d'ordre dans les rangs. Mais à l'extérieur de l'établissement, la " meute des sécheurs " ne l'entend pas de cette oreille et la tension monte d'un cran avec le retour au bahut des frères cerbères...




Kamen Teacher Tome 4

Kinzô part à la poursuite des hommes qui ont arnaqué sa mère avec l’aide d’Araki. Alors qu’ils viennent à bout de la bande de mafieux, Araki lui dévoile le vrai visage du Kamen Teacher et ce qui se cache derrière l’existence de ce type d’enseignant. Plaçant toute sa confiance en Kinzô et Tomoya, Araki veut les convaincre d’intégrer ce programme très spécial et de reprendre le flambeau...




Kamen Teacher Tome 3

C'est la guerre ! La guerre totale telle que la veulent les frères Inugami : ceux-ci ont réuni près de cent personnes pour en finir avec les cinq 1re C et le Kamen Teacher...Mais Araki, qui enquête sur ce qui s'est passé il y a trois mois, a peut-être trouvé, en la personne de Tomoya, la clé pour résoudre cette crise.




Teacher Killer Tome 2

Riko Arisu cache un lourd secret. Témoin de la mort de ses parents étant enfant, elle ne vit que pour obtenir vengeance. Est-ce le hasard qui amène ce dernier, des années plus tard, à être son professeur de biologie au lycée ? Et pourquoi accepte-t-il de devenir son mentor et de faire d'elle la complice de ses multiples assassinats ? Mr Satou s'avère en fait être un chasseur d'assassins qui traque ses proies, tout en enseignant son "art" à Riko.




Teacher Killer Tome 1

Riko Arisu cache un lourd secret. Témoin de la mort de ses parents étant enfant, elle ne vit que pour obtenir vengeance. Est-ce le hasard qui amène ce dernier, des années plus tard, à être son professeur de biologie au lycée ? Et pourquoi accepte-t-il de devenir son mentor et de faire d'elle la complice de ses multiples assassinats ? Mr Satou s'avère en fait être un chasseur d'assassins qui traque ses proies, tout en enseignant son "art" à Riko.




Teacher Killer Tome 5

Riko Arisu cache un lourd secret. Témoin de la mort de ses parents étant enfant, elle ne vit que pour obtenir vengeance. Est-ce le hasard qui amène leur meurtrier, des années plus tard, à être son professeur de biologie au lycée ? Et pourquoi accepte-t-il de devenir son mentor et de faire d'elle la complice de ses multiples assassinats ? M. Satô s'avère en fait être un chasseur d'assassins qui traque ses proies, tout en enseignant son "art" à Riko.




Teacher Killer Tome 4

Riko Arisu cache un lourd secret. Témoin de la mort de ses parents étant enfant, elle ne vit que pour se venger. Est-ce le hasard qui amène leur meurtrier, des années plus tard, à être son professeur de biologie au lycée ? Et pourquoi accepte-t-il de devenir son mentor et de faire d'elle la complice de ses multiples assassinats ? M. Satô s'avère en fait être un chasseur d'assassins qui traque ses proies, tout en enseignant son "art" à Riko. Voici le 4e tome d'une sombre histoire d'amour entre un prof meurtrier et son élève.




Timebomb Teacher Tome 1

Azusa Tsugumo rêve de devenir chercheuse dans une grande université publique, mais ses espoirs sont ruinés quand elle découvre que son mentor, le professeur qu'elle admire, s'est approprié les résultats de ses recherches. Dépitée, Azusa accepte un poste de professeur de chimie dans un lycée. La vie d'enseignante n'est pas facile. La jeune femme subit en effet les moqueries des élèves et endure le harcèlement moral de leurs parents, pourtant le plus dur est devant elle... Le jour où sa soeur Ruka, sa seule famille, disparaît mystérieusement, elle se lance alors à sa recherche mais découvre rapidement que des clans de yakuzas sont mêlés à cette disparition. Evidemment, Azusa devient leur cible ! Seule et démunie face à ces dangereux criminels, Azusa ne peut compter que sur ses connaissances en physique et chimie pour s'en sortir ! Yanagi Takakuchi est un jeune auteur qui a commencé sa carrière avec un one shot intitulé Magical Sister dans le shonen Jump+ en 2020. C'est finalement l'année d'après qu'il débute sa première série : Timebomb Teacher (Hara Hara Sensei en VO). Mettant en scène une jeune chercheuse qui voit son monde partir en lambeaux, cette série nous plonge dans une spirale infernale. Face à son envie de retrouver sa soeur, elle doit prendre son courage à deux mains pour s'opposer à des criminels de la pire espèce. Jouant autant sur l'enquête qui entoure cette disparition que sur l'action qui en découle, ce titre en 4 tomes nous délivre une histoire haletante qui ne cesse de monter en puissance. Quand une prof de chimie décide de prendre les choses en main, cela fait forcément des étincelles !




Timebomb Teacher Tome 2

Grâce à ses connaissances en chimie, Azusa est parvenue à mettre hors d'état de nuire un gang de yakuzas. Bien que peu coutumière d'une telle violence, la jeune femme se jure de retrouver sa soeur, coûte que coûte. Au cours de son enquête, Azusa met la main sur une photo de Ruka en compagnie d'une serveuse de bar dont elle semble très proche. Cet indice en poche et désormais accompagnée d'un jeune yakuza fauché, Kyosuke Yoroizuka, Azusa plonge dans les bas-fonds de Kabukicho, le quartier chaud de Tokyo. Elle découvre alors une facette du monde de la nuit bien plus sombre qu'elle ne l'avait imaginée ! Yanagi Takakuchi est un jeune auteur qui a commencé sa carrière avec un one shot intitulé Magical Sister dans le shonen Jump+ en 2020. C'est finalement l'année d'après qu'il débute sa première série : Timebomb Teacher (Hara Hara Sensei en VO). Mettant en scène une jeune chercheuse qui voit son monde partir en lambeaux, cette série nous plonge dans une spirale infernale. Face à son envie de retrouver sa soeur, elle doit prendre son courage à deux mains pour s'opposer à des criminels de la pire espèce. Jouant autant sur l'enquête qui entoure cette disparition que sur l'action qui en découle, ce titre en 4 tomes nous délivre une histoire haletante qui ne cesse de monter en puissance. Quand une prof de chimie décide de prendre les choses en main, cela fait forcément des étincelles !
