
I Am Not Okay With This serie



Arts divinatoires

This is Venice Witch. Shadow Edition

Le nouvel oracle de This is Venice ! Lili Nguyen, alias This is Venice, revient avec un second oracle empli de sagesse. A utiliser seules ou avec celles du premier volume, les 33 cartes somptueusement illustrées par Lucie Louxor vous aideront à déceler les messages que l'univers vous envoie, ainsi que les conseils de ceux qui veillent sur vous. Grâce au livre explicatif et guidé par votre intuition, laissez les cartes vous montrer le chemin de vie qui vous est destiné et trouvez les réponses à toutes les questions que vous vous posez.



Romance sexy

Not this time tome 2

Quand les opposés s'attirent... Ella lutte difficilement contre son anxiété et son trouble du comportement alimentaire. Aidée de Jason, elle arrive néanmoins à se relever, retourne au lycée et laisse une autre chance à Nick. Malheureusement, Ella va vite se sentir dépassée, surtout lorsqu'un drame familial vient tout compliquer. Cette fois, c'est la goutte de trop, Ella ne peut pas rester à Ocean Bay et prend des décisions désespérées. Elle accepte de partir en tournée avec son groupe de musique et laisse sa famille, ses amis et un Nick dévasté derrière elle. Nick et Ella vont-ils réussir à se faire confiance et se découvrir à nouveau ?



Romance sexy

Not this time Tome 1

Quand les opposés s'attirent... "Après une année passée sur les routes américaines avec sa mère Ella revient en Californie dans sa ville natale, où elle doit faire face aux raisons qui l'ont poussée à fuir. Entre l'infidélité de son père et les harcèlement qu'elle a subit de la part de ses camarades de lycée, ses doutes et complexes refont surface. Et quand elle découvre que son nouveau voisin n'est autre que Nick, le garçon dont elle était secrètement amoureuse et qui la harcelait, le retour s'annonce encore plus compliqué... Mais en un an, Ella a beaucoup changé, et Nick aussi. Alors qu'elle s'était juré de le détester, Ella ne peut ignorer l'attirance qu'elle ressent pour lui... Mais pourra-t-elle lui faire confiance ? "



Littérature française

Sri Krishna and His Gospel, Sri Krishna’s flute calls you to love

Sri Krishna and His Gospel We dedicate this Book to Sri Krishna the World teacher whose Gita is the World-Gospel. This was written during a long Yogic communion with the Lord Krishna, by his fervent devotee Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati who lives and loves the Gita. Saint Shuddhananda Bharati invoked Sri Krishna in his meditation and took inspiration from that Supreme Grace for every line of the Holy Book. Thus this is Sri Krishna's treatise on His Gita. This is a book for all. We have not put any picture of Krishna in the book for who can paint his universal beauty ? The Nature-universe is his Visvarupa. So dear readers, see him in Nature's beauty and contemplate upon each line of this book. This book teaches you how to live in God-consciousness. It is a real pleasure and a great privilege for me to present this treatise on Sri Krishna and His Gospel to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Sri Krishna and His Gospel to us. The first edition of this book is dated on 24th November 1943. Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Littérature française

This is not a love song

" Le temps s'étire et se contracte. Deux journées en une. Deux, cent, mille. Mon corps se dédouble. Franco-Anglais. Entrepreneur SDF. Fidèle adultère. Sauveur coupable. Frère et faux. Faux frère. Ma main voudrait caresser - mais elle s'agrippe, ripe, s'accroche - les doigts sont des griffes, elle est ma proie - la déchiqueter, la réduire en pièces, un amas de chair, des cheveux qui se détachent, des dents qui se déboîtent. La phrase lancinante, entre les tempes. This is not a love song. Je veux l'entendre crier - pas gémir. Des hurlements de louve à qui l'on prend ses petits. Il y a une heure. Il y a deux heures. Je n'ai pas voulu me laisser entraîner. J'ai refusé la rencontre avec Étienne. J'ai refusé que nous nous rendions à l'endroit exact. Là où. J'ai refusé en bloc les souvenirs et les regrets. Je ne plongerai pas dans un février où je n'étais pas. " Vincent a la quarantaine conquérante de ceux qui ont su se faire une place au soleil, loin de la "lose" de leurs années de jeunesse. Jusqu'à ce mois de juillet où il revient dans sa ville natale, dix ans après l'avoir fuie sans un regard pour ceux qu'il laissait derrière lui.



Non classé

From the village to presidential suite, my life journey

I did not intend to write a scholarly book, for I did not want to intellectualize my life. Nor did I wish to romanticize it. I wanted to describe it as I lived it, with emphasis on people. I wanted to express in this book the joy I experienced in giving generously of myself, my time, and my modest material possessions, to make others happy and to share the many gifts of life. I wanted also to share with those who aspire to become academic leaders the myriad lessons my upbringing, education, and professional life have taught me. I thought they might find these lessons learned useful, as they strive for successful careers and, more importantly, for rewarding personal and professional lives. Again, this book is a story, the story of my life, wherein the personal and the professional have intermingled and strengthened each other, making a better whole of my person, personality, aspirations, and talents. This unique alliance between the professional and the personal dimensions of my life, I am happy to say, always triumphed and accounted for the successes that so many good people helped me achieve. Without the guidance, advice, cooperation, and support of others, I am sure my life would not have been as fulfilling.



Mouvements artistiques

Frank Auerbach. The Charcoal Heads

Accompanying an exhibition at the Courtauld Gallery, London, Frank Auerbach : The Charcoal Heads presents a remarkable series of hauntingly beautiful largescale drawings by the artist. The catalogue includes a new piece of writing on one of the drawings from critically acclaimed novelist Colm Tóibín. This catalogue explores one of Frank Auerbach's most remarkable bodies of work - a series of large-scale portrait heads made in charcoal, produced during his early years as a young artist in postwar London. Auerbach (b. 1931) spent months on each drawing, working and reworking them during numerous sessions with his sitters. This prolonged and vigorous process of creation is evident in the finished drawings, which are richly textured and layered. Auerbach would sometimes even break through the paper and patch it up before carrying on. His heads thus emerge from the darkness of the charcoal with burning vitality, born of an artistic as well as a physical struggle with the medium. The process of repeated creation and destruction, of which these images bear the visible scars, speaks profoundly of their times, as people rebuilt their lives after the ruination and upending of the war. The exhibition will be the first time Auerbach's extraordinary drawings, made in the 1950s and early 1960s, have been brought together as a comprehensive group. They will be shown together with a selection of paintings he made of the same sitters ; for the artist, painting and drawing have always been deeply entwined. The accompanying catalogue - by Deputy Head of The Courtauld Gallery, Barnaby Wright, and with an essay by one of the greatest contemporary voices in the English language, Colm Tóibín - is the first publication to explore in depth this magnificent series. Tóibín spent several hours one afternoon in front of Auerbach's Self-Portrait (1958), which features on the front cover of the book, looking closely and taking notes. His essay is an account of his experience and offers new insights into the work and the nature of self-portaiture.



Non classé

Has Bertrand Russell Solved the Problem of Perception?

The guiding spirit of the philosophical engagement of Bertrand Russell was to outline a scientific philosophy with the intention of introducing progress and continuity in the subject. With this aim in view, he developed the analytic method which has inspired one of the most influential philosophical currents of this century. Russell's confidence was confirmed by the result of his analysis of perception and physics. This book examines three different theories that Russell used in an effort to provide a lasting solution to the problem of perception and its relation with the external world. Despite the merits of Russell's attempts, the author is convinced that Russell failed to achieve his aim, but that his failure points the way to a better understanding of the nature and purpose of philosophy.



Non classé

The German Effect on D.H. Lawrence and his Works 1885-1912

This study analyzes in depth the German effect upon D.H. Lawrence and his works from his birth in 1885 to his departure from England in 1912. German literary, philosophical and musical works had considerable impact on Lawrence's formation as an artist. They also influenced the creation of his own literary theory, entering his life concurrently with the three problems of class, woman and religion, which evolved into his major literary themes. The German effect is thus demonstrated to be the confirmation of Lawrence's strong tendency toward subjectivism in literary art : it strengthened his conviction that his art set him apart from all classes of society ; it encouraged the development of his view of women as the sexual, not the maternal, mediatrix to art ; and it fortified his denial of traditional Christianity and assisted his creation of his personal vitalistic creed.



Littérature française

Black Orpheus. Edition en langue anglaise

This text, one of the finest written by Jean-Paul Sartre, dates from 1948 and is the accomplishment of the understanding of poems whose aim was not merely literary. To a large degree, it inaugurated the still lively reflexion on Negritude. This text dealing with liberty wich at that time could only be written or spoken about, has lost none of its virtue in a world where many of the profound demands of the black voice have still to be met.



Littérature française

Sons of Fantasy

When we were children, we believed anything was possible... This book is a fantasy novel originally written for children. But, if you are a father or a mother, a teacher or a writer, if you still have some bits of fantasy in your soul... then, this novel is for you too. We all know how geniuses changed the world with their childlike Imagination, and how people use creative thinking to solve problems. This is a story about hope ; "Sons of Fantasy" shares the story of M. Alger, a father grieving for the loss of his dear wife, who left him with two beautiful kids. Norris and Socrates were adjusting to life without Mom... But things got more complicated when one of them was paralyzed because of a severe psychological trauma due to an overdose of fantasy... This family has a very interesting neighbor who lives a few feet away. He has a weird little hobby, reading books in the most unlikely places... He for example travelled to Romania and read "Dracula" by Bram Stoker in the Castelul Bran Castle, because it's said that the main character Dracula lived in it. And then all of a sudden he stopped travelling... He got a month ago a big long hat that belongs to the greatest witch that lived during the middle ages, "Moje Gayla". In fact, after being burned by the church, one of her relatives kept her belongings inside a wooden box... and in the twentieth century one of her grandchildren donated the box to "The Magic Square Museum" in London. Genius bought the hat at a public auction as an art relic to decorate one of his rooms. Could this weird neighbor be the reason of Socrates' psychological trauma ? Or maybe he is the one who will cure him ? And what has the hat to do with all this ?




I love this game

Personnage culte du football mondial, Patrice Evra raconte pour la première fois la véritable histoire de son ascension extraordinaire jusqu'aux sommets de ce sport. Et règle ses comptes sans langue de bois, comme à son habitude. Né à Dakar au sein d'une famille de 26 frères et soeurs, Patrice Evra est arrivé en France à l'âge d'un an. Le football lui a permis de s'échapper d'un univers où le crime et le trafic de drogue étaient monnaie courante et après une première expérience professionnelle en Italie, c'est à Nice puis à Monaco qu'il a commencé à faire parler de lui. Mais c'est à Manchester United, sous les ordres de sir Alex Ferguson et aux côtés de Cristiano Ronaldo ou de Wayne Rooney, qu'il a fait éclater son talent, remportant cinq fois la Premier League, ainsi que la Ligue des Champions en 2008. Il a quitté MU en véritable héros pour rejoindre la Juventus, où il a pris sous son aile un certain Paul Pogba, avant de partir pour Marseille puis West Ham. Mais la singularité d'Evra, c'est d'avoir autant de talent pour la controverse que pou r le football. Son altercation avec Luis Suarez, son rôle de capitaine lors de la Coupe du monde 2010 et donc à Knysna, et plus récemment son high-kick sur un supporter de son propre club, l'OM, l'ont fait entrer dans la légende.



Non classé

Sir Charles Sedley’s «The Mulberry-Garden» (1668) and «Bellamira: or, The Mistress» (1687)

In his own time, the court wit Sir Charles Sedley (1639-1701) was praised for his poetic skill rather than for his dramatic talent. Yet, as this old-spelling critical edition of his two comedies shows, Sedley was also a satirist whose plays are worth reading along with the ones of his more celebrated fellow-artists Etherege, Wycherley, and Shadwell. After a biographical introduction, a detailed analysis of the plays and characters concentrates on Sedley's satiric strategies which lambaste the marriage of convenience as well as the conduct of a hypocritical and materialistic society.



Littérature française

A mother’s diary

Every day, for love, I trusted my surrogate mother to see through the day and hold on to my journey, with bravery. Today, through my diary, I share with you my sor-rows, my fears, my joys... By means of courage, love and faith ; The wish to live, to give life and to make this life a success, not the one which was designated to you/wanted for you.




This is not love, thank you Tome 4

Sara ne rêve que du grand amour, comme dans les films ! En découvrant le beau Tsubasa en train de faire pleurer une camarade, elle s'emporte à tort. Celui-ci se confie alors à elle. Leur amitié naissante laisse progressivement place à des sentiments nouveaux et purs... du moins, c'est ce que croyait Sara ! Ridiculisée par Tsubasa, elle jure qu'il s'en mordra les doigts et tombera amoureux d'elle !




This is not love, thank you Tome 5

Sara ne rêve que du grand amour, comme dans les films ! En découvrant le beau Tsubasa en train de faire pleurer une camarade, elle s'emporte à tort. Celui-ci se confie alors à elle. Leur amitié naissante laisse progressivement place à des sentiments nouveaux et purs... du moins, c'est ce que croyait Sara ! Ridiculisée par Tsubasa, elle jure qu'il s'en mordra les doigts et tombera amoureux d'elle !




This is not love, thank you Tome 3

Durant le festival culturel du lycée, Sara réalise la nature de ses sentiments pour Kujo. Les relations entre Oya et elle restent tendues, mais leurs amis les invitent pour fêter Noël, et ils vont donc se retrouver ensemble malgré eux. Sara, qui ne pense qu'à Kujo, essaie par tous les moyens de l'inviter aussi, mais celui-ci refuse à cause d'Oya. Un Noël placé sous le signe des sentiments incompris et d'un amour douloureux pour nos trois héros !




This is not love, thank you Tome 1

Sara ne rêve que du grand Amour, comme dans les films ! En découvrant le beau Tsubasa en train de faire pleurer une camarade, elle s'emporte à tort. Celui-ci se confie alors à elle. Leur amitié naissante laisse progressivement place à des sentiments nouveaux et purs... du moins, c'est ce que croyait Sara ! Ridiculisée par Tsubasa, elle jure qu'il s'en mordra les doigts et tombera amoureux d'elle !




This is not love, thank you tome 2

Bercée d'illusions sur ce qu'est le véritable amour. Sara Izumi a bien failli tomber amoureuse de Tsubasa Kujo et, honteuse de s'être fait bernée, elle jure de le séduire à son tour. Mais au lieu de le voir succomber à son charme, c'est elle qui développe un intérêt croissant à son égard. En visitant le festival culturel dune autre école, elle se retrouve ben malgré elle à payer les services d'un petit ami de location. Et le petit ami en question, Eiichi Oya, rapplique au lycée de Sara quelques jours plus tard ! Un épisode spécial revenant sur la rencontre entre Sara et Kujo enfants est également inclus.



Non classé


In his early twenties Goethe wrote Proserpina for the Weimar court singer Corona Schröter to perform. His interest in presenting Weimar's first professional singer-in-residence in a favourable light was not the only reason why this monologue with music (now lost) by Seckendorff is important. Goethe's memories of his sister Cornelia, who had recently died in childbirth, were in fact the real catalyst : through this work Goethe could level accusations against his parents about Cornelia's marriage, of which he had not approved. Goethe used the melodramatic form to transform private and cultural issues for women of the time into public discourses and so to manipulate public opinion. His work reveals an astute understanding of musical melodrama and the important impact it had on the cultural dynamics of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Whatever the source of inspiration, it is clear that Goethe was very preoccupied with Proserpina. When he returned to this melodrama forty years later he collaborated closely with Carl Eberwein, the court, theatre, and church music director, who composed a new setting which accords with Goethe's clear understanding of musical declamation in 19th century melodrama. In the intensive collaboration which took place while the production was being prepared in January 1815, Goethe was already anticipating the idea of a Gesamtkunstwerk. He paid close attention to every aspect of the production, especially to its music and its staging. When discussing contemporary settings of the poet's works, scholars often lapse into regret that Goethe did not have someone of comparable rank at his side for musical collaborations. Yet Eberwein's willingness to go along with Goethe's wishes was an advantage here : the selfless striving of the young composer to satisfy the poet's intentions is everywhere apparent in the score and it is the nearest thing we have to a ‘composition by Goethe'. Despite critics' positive reception of the first performance on 4 February 1815, the work has never been published before. Musically and dramatically this unknown melodrama is a superb work for solo voice, choir, and orchestra, and deserves to be brought before the public today.




Clashing Cultures. Annang Not(with)standing Christianity – An Ethnography

Clashing Cultures is an anthropological study of the Annang, an ethnic people of Southern Nigeria. The book provides a succinct historical and ethnographic description of the impacts of various cultural and religious influences upon the Annang people and the transformations that have taken place as a result. The consideration of Christianity's influence on the Annang is part of the broader historical and anthropological picture. Although it is an academic work, Clashing Cultures is also a living text. It reflects the evolving culture of the Annang regarding issues such as marriage, male/female roles and supernatural beliefs. The book deals with ritual as a practice that produces meaning, by means of images and metaphors in an unfolding drama. It looks at how the Annang extract meaning from themselves, their bodies, their gestures, their actions in social, spatial and historical contexts. The book creates a "time-oriented anthropology" in which local processes are mirrored in the context of larger ones.




Dogs. Authentic and fictitious graphic inventory

Dogs is a kennel of 200 drawings made by Jochen Gerner between 2021 and 2023, following his study of birds. Each of these dogs was drawn with pigmented Indian ink felt pens on small-format lined and squared school notebooks from China and India. This series of drawings follows the graphic experiment of Jochen Gerner to explore all the potentialities of the grids, lines and colours in the representation of textures and hair. Focusing on dogs, which Jochen Gerner represents in a touching and very funny multiplicity, this collection reveals us that hardly nothing is required on paper for these dogs to breathe, each of them in an outstanding singularity. Braces, squares, lozenges, waves... The colorful patterns cut and cross each other with a disconcerting, always innovative simplicity to make their hair shine and ripple. With this new bestiary holding as much of the illustration as of graphic design, Jochen Gerner invites us to a whimsical look at the world and proves us once again the singularity of his observation.



Variété internationale

BTS. We are not seven with you

BTS, le groupe de musique le plus soutenu de la planète ! Impossible de passer à côté du phénomène BTS, le groupe sud-coréen aux millions de fans qui fait trembler toute l'industrie du disque. Ces sept jeunes hommes passionnés, partis de rien, règnent aujourd'hui sur le monde de la musique. Découvrez comment BTS est arrivé au sommet, et réussit à démocratiser la culture de son pays dans le monde entier ! - Le showbiz international (Billboard, Grammy...) réclame BTS à chaque grande cérémonie - BTS, c'est 2 Stades de France en 2019 sold out (107 000 tickets vendus) - Ce sont des dizaines de millions de vues pour chacun de leurs clips avec des records historiques - Selon un institut coréen, environ 800 000 touristes ont choisi la Corée du Sud comme destination l'an dernier à cause de BTS, soit plus de 7% du nombre total de visiteurs - Et c'est surtout des millions de fans sur toute la planète : les ARMYs !




The Dramatic Encounter of Divine and Human Freedom in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar

This book surveys the major theological writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar from the perspective of the relationship between finite and infinite freedom. The first part examines Balthasar's early treatment of the question in the context of the analogy of being. The second part concentrates on his more mature work, the Theological Dramatics, with its understanding of the relationship between finite and infinite freedom in terms of a 'dramatic encounter' in which, controversially, human freedom is thought to actively participate in an ever-greater exchange of love in God. But this book is more than a survey. Observing the persistence of the 'analogy of proportionality' within the Dramatics leads the author in the third part to a critique of Balthasar's thought. It is argued that the continuation of the earlier perspective explains Balthasar's emphasis on the freedom of the individual to the neglect of social structures and their transformation. While the 'historical' as such is not neglected, as some claim it is, the focus is on the history of the individual and his or her relationship with God. It is therefore contended that Balthasar's theology of the Trinity is more concerned with 'interpersonal' relationships than truly 'social' ones and that this is what inhibits a fruitful dialogue with social theologies.



Histoire internationale

'Eine untergeordnete Meisterschaft?'

This study represents an attempt to assess the critical impact of Dickens' work in Germany from the appearance of The Pickwick Papers till his death in 1870. Its main aim is to place the ongoing engagement of German critics with the English novelist in the context of the social and literary-critical tensions of the time and to bring about a new, more differentiated and penetrating understanding of his influence in these decades. The author argues that all the significant attempts to define the function and possibilities of the contemporary novel in German in this period were linked in one way or another with critical attitudes to the hugely popular, but always intractably controversial work of the English novelist.



Romans, témoignages & Co

I was born for this

Un ex-libris inédit dessiné par Alice Oseman offert dans ce roman. Cette édition inclut un bonus sur Rowen et ListerLa vie d'Angel Rahimi, dix-huit ans, tourne exclusivement autour de The Ark, un boys band pop-rock qui cartonne dans le monde entier. En intégrant leur fandom, Angel devient amie avec Juliet et acquiert un sentiment d'appartenance incomparable. De son côté, Jimmy Kaga-Ricci, leader de The Ark, doit tout à son groupe. Bien qu'il ait réalisé son rêve, ces derniers temps les choses ne cessent d'aller de travers pour lui. Son anxiété sociale l'empêche de profiter pleinement et remet en question ses choix... Lorsque les univers d'Angel et Jimmy fusionnent de manière inattendue, tous deux seront confrontés à la réalité de l'autre. Et si la vie rêvée de star n'était qu'une illusion ? Et si la vie sans projecteurs n'était pas si fade ? Dans la limite des stocks disponibles. Uniquement sur le premier tirage.




Escape This

Trouveront-ils la clé pour s'en sortir ? Quatre individus sans lien apparent, disséminés de par le monde, se retrouvent mystérieusement projetés dans la même pièce. Ici, les règles du jeu sont simples : ils ont une heure pour trouver comment en sortir. Sinon ils meurent. Bien qu'ils ne se connaissent pas, les prisonniers vont devoir mettre leurs ressources en commun pour résoudre les énigmes mortelles de cette escape room infernale et découvrir le lien qui les unit... Stéphane Betbeder et Federico Pietrobon nous plongent dans un huis clos angoissant et surnaturel, quelque part entre le mystère de Cube et l'horreur de Saw.



Non classé

The «Individualität» of August von Platen

Platen, in the critical imagination, is a classicistic formalist who hid his anguished life behind imitative art. This cliché - which originates in Heine's early caricature - has not been corrected because of a virtual absence of close analyses of the kind undertaken in this study. There is shown to be unsuspected continuity in experiments with lyric forms as different as Lied, ghasel, sonnet, ode, idyll and "Pindaric" hymn ; Platen appears as a decidedly confessional, even histrionic, writer in the wake of Byron, and his subjectivity proves strong and unrepentant enough to be comparable to Heine's own.



Non classé

Style and Rhetoric in Bertrand Russels's Work

A thorough examination of Bertrand Russell's language is the object of this study. Since this is the first major analysis of his writing style, examples taken from a wide spectrum of his writings are examined. Structurally the investigation begins by treating individual vocabulary and then moves on to larger structural units, covering such areas as figurative language and description. The final chapter deals with his rhetoric, discussing his methods of persuasion and the logic of his arguments. This careful analysis of his writings is significant in that it sheds new light on interesting aspects of Russell's character.



Histoire internationale

Visual Aids in the Productions of the First Piscator-Bühne 1927-28

This analysis of four major productions by Erwin Piscator, Hoppla, Rasputin, Schweik and Konjunktur (1927/28), examines the nature of his pioneering visual effects. The films, projections, cartoons, elaborate sets and machinery - here designated 'visual aids' - are shown to have a didactic function. They 'frame' the action politically, thus evolving a sophisticated new theatrical method. Comparison with Brecht's work establishes differences of emphasis in the approach to a common goal. Piscator's montage of disparate elements is seen as a vital contribution to epic theatre.
