



Droit européen des affaires

Antitrust Between EU Law and National Law. Textes en anglais et en italien

The most salient and current issues in the antitrust field, at international, EU and national level The book includes the papers drafted by the authors who took part as speakers in the XV Treviso Antitrust Conference, regarding the most salient and current issues in the antitrust field, at international, EU and national level.



Critique littéraire

Mémoires d'un Adjudant, la vie étrange et surprenante de Joseph Ligneau écrit par lui même TOME 1

Vous trouverez dans ce récit une description détaillée de la commune de Plénée-Jugon en Bretagne, mais aussi des communes de région Parisienne : Les-Granges-le-Roi, Carrières-sous-Poissy, Les-Alluets-le-Roi, Cernay-la-Ville, Dourdan, Rambouillet, Authon-la-Plaine, La-Forêt-le-Roi, Richarville, Chevreuse, Poissy, Auneau (Eure et loir).



Histoire de France

The External Relations of the European Union

The book analyses the attitudes of non-EU countries towards European integration in historical and contemporary perspectives. The authors study a range of actors in Europe and beyond to explain the impact of the creation of the European Communities on the international system and how the EU is perceived in the world. The book further shows the significance of the institutional interplay within the EU, and between EU institutions, member states and external actors led by their own internal dynamics to explain policy outcomes. It investigates to what extent the perceptions of the international community towards the European Communities and the EU have been influenced by the complexity of their decision-making and the difficulty of reconciling the views of member states on key external relations issues. The authors also study the interplay of non-EU countries and the EU within the broader context of international and regional institutions and forums for international cooperation.




Les structures élémentaires de la parenté

In Les Structures Elémentaires de la Parenté, the early opus magnum of French Structuralism, Lévi-Strauss tries to explain the systems of kinship and-marriage in their enormous diversity and their frequently bizarre institutions, by means of a single principle: the exchange. Exchange is perceived to be the manifestation of fundamental structural constants of the human mind which may also be discerned in other subsystems of culture, most obviously in language. This book represents the first great result of the author's life-long research, dedicated to exploring this relationship, which also led him into the fields of the classification-systems of language and of mythology.



Non classé

Chaos, Control, and Consistency:- The Narrative Vision of Wolfgang Koeppen

Wolfgang Koeppen's critical and popular reputations stem largely from his literary success in the 1950s, a success which has overshadowed the author's activities in the earlier years of his career. It is in the interest of redressing this imbalance that the present study has been undertaken. It traces a consistent line of development from Koeppen's journalistic activities in the Berlin of the 1930s, through his earliest creative writing, and on, in this light, to the post-war publications for which he is most famous. It is thus possible to place the whole of Koeppen's career within the social and literary context of sixty years of German history.



Non classé

Southern Sudan

Southern Sudan is little known to the world - especially in terms of its economic development. This book fills that gap of knowledge to some extent. Due to the persistence of war conditions (since 1955), economic analysis has been done together with the resultant dictates of war and destruction in the area. The sources of data and methodology have of necessity transcended conventional economics embracing political, social, etc. aspects. This multidisciplinarity in approach has enabled the author to provide the foundations for future development of Southern Sudan. The book thus offers a state of the art analysis of the war consequences on society, subsistence and their accompanying economic structures.



Littérature française

La jangada. .

"La Jangada" is a novel written by the renowned French author Jules Verne. This adventure novel is part of Verne's extraordinary voyages series and features the Amazon River as its central setting. The story follows the journey of a Brazilian family aboard the riverboat Jangada. As they navigate the mighty Amazon River, they encounter various adventures, challenges, and mysteries. The novel combines elements of exploration, adventure, and romance as the characters explore the exotic and dangerous landscapes of the Amazon rainforest. "La Jangada" is known for its vivid descriptions of the Amazon River and the surrounding environment, offering readers a captivating and immersive experience of this unique setting.




Justice League : L'autre terre

Aux confins de l'univers existe une Terre apparemment semblable à la nôtre... Apparemment, car en lieu et place de la Ligue de Justice y existent leurs doubles maléfiques, réunis en un Syndicat du Crime invincible. Seul héros de cette planète, Lex Luthor échappe à la vigilance du Syndicat et vient demander secours à la Ligue.




Krypto et les super animaux - La ligue des super animaux

Krypto, le super-chien de Superman, se trouve face à un défi immense : sauver son maître et les autres memebres de la Ligue des Justiciers, dont les pouvoirs ont été enlevés par le maléfique cochon d'Inde de Lex Luthor. Pour cela, il devra faire équipe avec une bande d'animaux au grand coeur, rencontrés dans un refuge.



Non classé

The Moment

Written representations of momentary phenomena such as the Fall, the kairos, epiphany, the nunc stans, the sublime, dialectical and historical moments of change and moments of deferral are always doomed to fail. However, representational failures at writing have always been turned into a performative success : more writing. The author's reading of the various textualizations of the moment is not historical, but genealogical (Foucault) and not typological, but economical (Derrida); it reveals the moment as an inevitable trope : the deconstruction of a representational moment in a given text reinscribes this moment as the text's performative momentum. This ever shifting meaning of the moment has been followed through literary and philosophical texts from Plato to Beckett.



Littérature française

Illumination Hymn and Conferences

Illumination Hymn, Conferences Author : Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati The flame shining vibrations movement is the one person, the irremovable one, I am in all. The flame shining vibrations movement is the only one form enveloping and carrying human bodies and worlds in its illumination light. The flame shining vibrations movement is the only sound Aum. I bow to that flame illumination light. Our natural being, sending hope and help in this illumination hymn itself is liberation in life to all of us Sparks Intelligence - Individuals of the light, to put an end to our sufferings miseries and fears and to feed and make us enjoy here and now in the painless nectar bliss.



Littérature française

Running in the dark

Everything starts when the General de Gaulle is kidnaped during the 1968's events. After that, the humanity will live in the darkness for years. The Markovic case disturbed the Pompidou period ; the assassination of former Chah and Direct Action's leaders marked an Iranian revolution ; the flights of 9/11 in New York ; the treason of Saddam Hussein by a rejected admirer ; the elimination of terrorists by unknown volunteers ; the murder attempts on Russian and American presidents ; the risk of a cataclysm from an attack of a US Navy nuclear aircraft carrier... All those tragic and deadly events, passed through the author's fictional filter, are an opportunity to thousands twists that question and take...



Non classé

The Regulation of Rental Contracts in the Housing Market

In many countries (part of) the rental housing market is subject to regulations concerning determination of rent and security of tenure. The author provides fresh theoretical analysis of these measures by taking into account special features of the housing market, like indivisibility, mobility cost and incomplete contracts. The impact a rent ceiling has on contracting, the allocation of the housing stock, rationing cost and on rents in the free housing sector is examined. In some cases tenure laws provide for tenure security and rules for the updating of rent while leaving the initial rent for new leases freely negotiable. The analysis shows that the efficiency of the market could be improved through this type of regulation.



Histoire internationale

'Eine untergeordnete Meisterschaft?'

This study represents an attempt to assess the critical impact of Dickens' work in Germany from the appearance of The Pickwick Papers till his death in 1870. Its main aim is to place the ongoing engagement of German critics with the English novelist in the context of the social and literary-critical tensions of the time and to bring about a new, more differentiated and penetrating understanding of his influence in these decades. The author argues that all the significant attempts to define the function and possibilities of the contemporary novel in German in this period were linked in one way or another with critical attitudes to the hugely popular, but always intractably controversial work of the English novelist.



Autres films pour enfants

Krypto et les super animaux - Album du film

Grâce à l'obtention d'un morceau rare de Kryptonite orange, Lulu, le maléfique cochon d'inde de Lex Luthor, peut désormais contrôler des objets avec son esprit. Avec l'aide d'autres cochons d'inde malfaisants, il va se servir de ses pouvoirs pour prendre sa revanche sur Krypto, le chien de Superman, et sa bande de supers animaux !



Non classé

The German Literary Achievements of Ola Hansson 1888-1893

As a member of the Berlin-Friedrichshagen writers' colony, the Swede Ola Hansson both stimulated and guided creative literary thought among the German authors of the 1890's. Hansson's role as an essayist, short story writer, and as a mediator of Scandinavian and wider European influences upon German literature of the times, particularly in its struggle with Naturalism, is documented and assessed.




Superman Man of Steel Tome 1

Metropolis était autrefois le terrain de chasse privilégié de Lex Luthor, le P.D-G. tyrannique et intransigeant de la multinationale LexCorp, mais l'arrivée d'un protecteur surhumain a changé la donne... Partageant son temps entre son identité de Clark Kent, jeune reporter pour le Daily Planet, et celle de Superman, défenseur des opprimés, il combat les menaces les plus étranges et les plus terrifiantes : Metallo, Darkseid ou Bizarro ! Superman - Man of Steel présente pour la première fois l'intégralité du passage de John Byrne (Fantastic Four) sur les titres consacrés à l'Homme d'Acier. Entre 1986 et 1988, ce dernier a pris les commandes d'Action Comics et d'un nouveau mensuel Superman , laissant à Mary Wolfman et Jerry Ordway le soin de relancer Adventures of Superman. De Krypton à Metropolis, de Luthor à Lois Lane en passant par les parents Kent ou Jimmy Olsen, tous les éléments propres au mythe ont été remaniés avec succès et ce run a notamment influencé la série Lois & Clark et la série animée Superman, L'ange de Metropolis.




Everyday Men

This study is about everyday men. They are approached through a unique marriage of biblical theology and empirical research which gives birth to a missionary challenge. Part One attempts to build a theological foundation for looking at people from the aspect of belief and unbelief. It sees this distinction as a crucial theme in the biblical material which remains relevant to men everywhere. The author discovers five elements of Christian belief in the biblical material while unbelief spans the five elements by its void, denial, or choice of an alternative. Part Two starts with a random sample, in-depth interview of fifty men in a "working-class" area of Birmingham, England. The interviews attempt to discover the nature and saliency of the men's belief and unbelief in the Christian faith. The analysis stresses the qualitative response with the emphasis on listening to the men describe their lives, values, beliefs, and lack of beliefs in their own words. The findings are also compared to other related studies, prompting some conclusions regarding the meaning of these findings. The author attempts to bring the biblical material to bear on the findings about ordinary people and asks whether they can be described as believers or unbelievers. From this starting point, it becomes obvious that the scope of unbelief is very broad. Part Three takes the understanding of God's Word and men's words and moves toward a missiological goal of approaching unbelievers with a gospel for today. It sees both the content and context of the gospel as important. The cultural problem is briefly considered and specific approaches are suggested in relation to the climate of unbelief in "working-class" English culture.




La boîte à outils du marketing digital. 2e édition

La transformation digitale dont tout le monde parle, c'est quoi ? Le référencement naturel est-il si important qu'on le dit ? Quelle différence entre brand content et content marketing ? Quand faut-il s'exprimer sur les médias sociaux ? Qu'est-ce que l'inbound marketing ? Le growth hacking est-il une solution efficace ? Comment définir avec précision vos persona ? 60 outils indispensables pour transformer en profondeur vos pratiques marketing ou tout simplement mieux les maîtriser. Pour s'adapter aux nouvelles attentes des clients connectés, les fonctions marketing, communication et vente doivent profondément se réinventer. Cela peut parfois sembler complexe, mais passé le cap des acronymes barbares et des concepts nébuleux, de nouveaux horizons apparaissent. Liste des contributeurs : Guilhem Bertholet, CEO Invox - Content Marketing Agency @guilhem Christophe Boisson, graphiste freelance Fabrice Brianson, président fondateur de Just Amazing @ab_brianson Stéphane Couleaud, CEO Webmecanik @scouleaud Emeric Ernoult, fondateur & CEO Agorapulse @eernoult Florent Hernandez, CEO Sociallymap @Flo__Hernandez Sylvie Lachkar , Sales Education Lead, Social Selling evangelist & certified coach - SAP Sales University EMEA & MEE @sylswan Guillaume Mikowski, Directeur Général de l'agence Brainsonic @guimikowski Christian Neff, CEA Markentive @Markentive_CEO Alina Petrova, responsable de Content Marketing chez SEMrush France @AlinaSEO Sébastien Morizot, VP Digital, @sebarizot Bruno Scher, Consultant en Management de Projets digitaux @SCHERBruno21 Yann Gourvennec, Author and Entrepreneur, CEO Visionary Marketing @ygouvern Frédéric Canevet, Product Manager & Blogeur @conseilsmkg David Victor, Web Project Manager, Fondateur d'UNIKWEB @unikweb Emilie Ogez, Social Media Planner @eogez Emmanuelle Leneuf, Journaliste, Fondatrice du FlashTweet @EmmanuelleL9 Pascal Trambouze, Acteur et metteur en scène du social selling B2C @acteurvente Hervé Kabla, CEO Be Angels @HerveKabla Alban Jarry, Chief Digital Technology Officer, speaker & author @Alban_Jarry Yann Dirheimer, Marketing Manager Hootsuite @YannDirheimer Laure Canart, Directrice Marketing Cegos @LaureCan




Representations of Africa in American and Caribbean Studies N° 1 Dédembre 2021. 1

" "Africa has always shed its light onto the Americas. Although all the contributions highlight the representations of Africa or Africans in American and Caribbean Studies, they also underscore a common humanistic concern ; whether on society, culture or environment. Africa is known to be the craddle of humanity and the main inspirational source to a lot of world authors, especially the American and Caribbean ones". Pr Louis Mendy



Comics Super-héros

Batman Death Metal Tome 4

Malgré les agissements de Lex Luthor, Lobo et de la Ligue de Nightwing, le plan de la Trinité – Superman, Batman et Wonder Woman- pour contrer Perpetua a échoué. Désormais, le Darkest Knight possède l'énergie d'anti-crise à même de remodeler l'existence en Multivers qui rit. Pour les héros : il ne reste plus qu'une issue : restaurer toutes les continuités passées ou périr.




Karl. No Regrets

The artist Patrick Hourcade met Karl Lagerfeld in 1976, initiating a friendship that would last more than twenty years, nourished by a shared passion for the arts of the eighteenth century. Patrick Hourcade tells us the story of this aesthetic meeting of minds. Together they would construct a magnificent world of refinement and luxury-at times bordering on the extravagant-from the Château de Grand-Champ in Brittany to the Hôtel Pozzo di Borgo in Paris and villa La Vigie on the Côte d'Azur. Drawing on unpublished photographs and documents, the author paints an intimate portrait of Karl Lagerfeld, both shadow and light. He gives us a unique and singular perspective, populated by the exceptional personalities who accompanied the great couturier throughout his life.




Issues in the Philosophy of Language Past and Present

In the light of contemporary perspectives a good deal of traditional philosophical thought can be read as relating to the issue of 'Language versus Reality'. The chapters of this book vindicate this claim ; bringing together thinkers different both in temperament and interests like Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Aquinas, Heidegger and Gadamer they suggest that some of their major tenets reflect conceptual assumptions concerning linguistic meaning and reference. In trying to both identify and elucidate the assumptions at stake the author shows, both historically and systematically, that some of the problems experienced in the past as well as much of our contemporary concern with the same issue form a continuous line and a common endeavour ; and they have not yet come to an end.



Non classé

The Phantom and the Abyss

The book focuses on the evolution of the Gothic fiction in America from Charles Brockden Brown to Herman Melville in the context of the aesthetics of the sublime. Starting with a reading of Brown's Gothic romances – Wieland and Edgar Huntly – and concluding with an analysis of Melville's Pierre, the author demonstrates the relevance of the Kantian concept of the sublime for the nineteenth-century American literature of horror. An inspiration to present the development of the American Gothic in the period under scrutiny as a coherent process has been also the psychoanalytic theory of Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok. Moreover, the study contains an attempt to place R.H. Dana, Sr and W. Allston in the American literary canon.



Littérature française

The Star of snows

Written during the black decade of Algeria, this narrative of apprenticeship is freely inspired by a real fact arisen in Kabylia during the childhood of the author. Its electrical wire is the friendship of a child and an eccentric whom some tolerate and whom others would want to send to the asylum. By his side, the child is going to learn to listen to the music of trees and to look at the world with the eyes of the heart. This tale, at the same time naive and grave, invites us to wonder about the cogs of the mechanics of the scapegoat. It is dedicated to all the children of the world who closely or remotely were next to the rejection and to the intolerance.



Contes et nouvelles

Le Chevalier, la Lance et le Dragon. The Knight, the Spear and the Dragon

"Et c'est quoi un chevalier ? Un chevalier est à la recherche de la magie. Un chevalier plonge dans les ombres pour chercher la lumière. Une fois qu'il l'a trouvée, il la répand". Auteur, photographe : à travers un style anticonformiste, toute la singularité de l'univers de Marc Kiska se déploie dans ce conte initiatique, publié en édition bilingue (français - anglais). _________________"And what is a knight ? A knight is in search of magic. A knight dives into the shadows to seek the light. Once he finds it, he spreads it. " Author, photographer : through an unconventional style, all the singularity of Marc Kiska's universe is deployed in this initiatory tale, published in a bilingual edition (French - English). Translated to English by Caroline Messersmith.




52 Tome 3

L'absence de Batman, Superman et Wonder Woman se fait de plus en plus lourde à supporter pour les autres héros. Charlie et Renee embarquent pour un voyage vers la mystérieuse cité de Nanda Parbat, Ralph Dibny poursuit sa quête, dirigé par le casque de Dr Fate, l'identité de Supernova est révélée, Intergang continue son assaut sur Gotham et les machinations de Lex Luthor et de son projet Everyman provoquent une catastrophe sans précédent.



Pays de Loire

Le Perche - Entre campagne et cités historiques - 30 balades

Une carte détaillée par balade, toutes les informations pratiques (distance, durée, balisage, accès au départ). Un guide qui, de Moutiers-au-Perche (Orne) à Boursay (Loir-et-Cher) en passant par Saint-Denis-d'Authou (Eure-et-Loir) et La Ferté-Bernard (Sarthe), vous fait découvrir toute la diversité du Perche. Des balades faciles dans les belles forêts et la campagne bocagère du Parc naturel régional du Perche, les beaux manoirs et les jolis villages.



Non classé

Tidal Deformations on a Rotating, Spherically Asymmetric, Visco-elastic and Laterally Heterogeneous Earth

The author applies a perturbation method to determine tidal deformations on a rotating, spherically asymmetric, visco-elastic, laterally heterogeneous and anisotropic Earth. He shows that the deviations from tides on a nonrotating spherical Earth are on the order of one per cent. This applies to the effects of rotation, ellipsoidal shape of the Earth, visco-elasticity, lateral heterogeneity and anisotropy in the mantle, separately. With respect to the effects of rotation and ellipticity he finds significant quantitative discrepancies from what was accepted so far. With respect to lateral heterogeneities in the mantle he argues that visco-elastic dispersion is responsible for a considerable amplification of the heterogeneities when moving from seismic to tidal frequencies. On this basis, he suggests tidal tomography as a new rool for studying temperature induced mantle anomalies with modern space techniques.




A Study of Conversion Among The Angas of Plateau State of Nigeria With Emphasis on Christianity

This is so far the most-detailed information on the Angas (Ngas), the largest ethnic group on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria. The book draws up a sketch of both the political and ecclesiastical history of the people. This is followed by socio-anthropological data about the people including a description of the traditional religion of the Angas (Ngas). The material serves as the necessary springboard for discussing the factors that were responsible for the conversion of the Angas (Ngas) people of Nigeria. The author concludes his thesis by giving a theoretical analysis of some of the theories of conversion per se and opting for a Hortonian theory as the most cogent. It is certainly an indispensable work dealing with conversion to and from any religion although in this case Christianity is used as a focus.
