Nationalism in Education

Conference (icus) International, Klaus Schleicher

The comparative Reader, with authors from 6 continents and 9 countries analyses, to what extent the nation concept is still at the heart of international organizations and agreements, under which circumstances nationalism rose in specific regions and cultures at different times, and, to what extent education was influenced by or used for nationalistic doctrines and policies. Case studies as well as systematic analyses illustrate, that education can hardly change its own socioeconomic and political context. However, education and educational policy can support a prevention of and balance to nationalism in the long run, if they counteract stereotyping and scapegoating, familiarize with overlapping and competing loyalties, and, encourage human rights, international cooperation and cultural relationalism.

Par Conference (icus) International, Klaus Schleicher
Chez Peter Lang

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Peter Lang



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01/10/1993 336 pages 65,40 €
Scannez le code barre 9783631460177
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