Ethnicity, Structured Inequality, and the State in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany

Jürgen Fijalkowski, Y. michael Bodemann, Hans Merkens, Robin Ostow

This volume focuses on the reshaping of ethnicity in Berlin and Toronto that resulted from the economic stagnation, industrial restructuring, and return to conservative government in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980s. It addresses a broad range of issues crystalizing around ethnicity, inequality, and the state. It approaches these problems using such diverse methods as systems theory, questionnaires, interviews, various quantitative measures, and historical analysis. Ethnicity is discussed as it functions at the workplace, in the family, in neighborhoods, in immigrant and other organizations, and in the immigrants' relation to the state through its mediating bureaucracies.

Par Jürgen Fijalkowski, Y. michael Bodemann, Hans Merkens, Robin Ostow
Chez Peter Lang

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Peter Lang



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01/06/1991 289 pages 62,60 €
Scannez le code barre 9783631437346
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