La jangada. .

Jules Verne

"La Jangada" is a novel written by the renowned French author Jules Verne. This adventure novel is part of Verne's extraordinary voyages series and features the Amazon River as its central setting. The story follows the journey of a Brazilian family aboard the riverboat Jangada. As they navigate the mighty Amazon River, they encounter various adventures, challenges, and mysteries. The novel combines elements of exploration, adventure, and romance as the characters explore the exotic and dangerous landscapes of the Amazon rainforest. "La Jangada" is known for its vivid descriptions of the Amazon River and the surrounding environment, offering readers a captivating and immersive experience of this unique setting.

Par Jules Verne
Chez Hachette

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Littérature française



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01/06/1981 11,75 €
Scannez le code barre 9782010046155
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